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Everything posted by Jurgis

  1. I don’t know where you live… So I guess your country has benefited much from this “so-called” EU… And I won’t speak for Greece, nor Spain, nor Portugal, nor France, because I have never lived there (actually I have lived in Barcelona for two year, but let’s disregard that!)… I speak for Italy though: if you think this “so-called” EU, or worse still the Euro!, have “brought jobs, well being and prosperity” to Italy… well then, believe me, you have no idea what you are talking about. Cheers, Gio Well, I know this guy called Gio who is attracting students for his business from around the Europe and then complains about EU. Seems like inconsistency.
  2. In times of crisis, future is uncertain and humans behave in ways that might not look rational... though perhaps they are as rational as possible at the time. I've lived through situations where rational analysis might have yielded much better results than instinctive behavior. Unfortunately, usually majority of people go with instinctive behavior for better or worse. Hope it works out for Greeks somehow. Peace.
  3. This is a potentially bigger issue than the Greek drama. It's also another barrier to investing in Chinese equities.
  4. Liberty, I think you gonna take this as attack on Theranos, since you are already defensive. However, it's clear that they can't make money on $3 test even with their automation. It is not almost free. They have to get the blood, which involves human work, the delivery is not free, the sorting and pass through is not free. Anyway, people don't order a single blood test, so the $3 tests are red herring really. The likely number is probably around 10 tests unless someone orders something nonstandard. It is not clear how many tests they can run on a single blood sample. It's probably not a very large number. Once again, don't take that as criticism since the common case is not someone ordering 100+ tests.
  5. I am not so sure you know about the mismanagement in the "most EU countries". ;) You are writing this as if Europarlament does not exist and EU institutions do not exist. Perhaps you should take a look at how they function and what language(s) they use.
  6. The total for all tests is $3300. It's probably much cheaper (5x cheaper?) than regular labs, but still a huge amount if you wanted to have a complete blood test. I wouldn't be surprised if there are discount for multiple tests at the same time, since a lot of the process is the same regardless of how many tests you do (collecting blood, shipping it to lab, processing it, then sending back results). Possibly. Though Theranos clearly loses money on $3 tests, so they are probably assuming multiple tests per run already.
  7. I like US. There's no point for me to continue this discussion. 8) Take care I have worked in two companies that had people and offices from across most Europe. The language barrier is not as high as you think.
  8. The total for all tests is $3300. It's probably much cheaper (5x cheaper?) than regular labs, but still a huge amount if you wanted to have a complete blood test.
  9. This "so-called EU" has brought jobs, well being and prosperity to a numerous people in Europe. Of course, people easily forget all that when a crisis strikes. And that's the problem with humans. They are mostly nice people when things are going well. But when things are not going well, the ugliness starts.
  10. Maybe it won't be lifted... maybe it's like roach motel... This is not good.
  11. So you just give up and basically support the nationalists (whom you hate)... I'd rather be Europositive and fail than just give up.
  12. Agreed. We really need USoE. Unfortunately, it won't happen soon if at all. I was already amazed with the EU and EuroZone. I guess both of these were helped by good economic times. Bad economy pushes everyone into nationalism and anti-unionistic policies. Personally I think that's the last thing you need! No love lost between Europeans; bottling them all under one system could end badly. Better to go back to individual states, as imperfect as that is. Greece to lead the way! I disagree. If EU falls apart, Europe will become completely irrelevant. EU has proved that there is some European commonality and potential for united Europe. This is the best direction. You are right in one point though: nobody can "bottle" Europeans together. If they don't make that choice themselves, that's their loss.
  13. I don't think that the situation is as bad for Germany as you guys think. Of course, that's also the reason why Germany won't help Greece.
  14. Agreed. We really need USoE. Unfortunately, it won't happen soon if at all. I was already amazed with the EU and EuroZone. I guess both of these were helped by good economic times. Bad economy pushes everyone into nationalism and anti-unionistic policies.
  15. Agreed! I am having more fun watching this than Breaking bad or other TV shows. Tsipras promised that if he gets the no vote, he will get a great deal from EU within 48 hours, guaranteed. And this guy Varoufakis also said that if referendum comes out as an YES, he would resign immediately because he cannot play the hide and pretend game anymore. Now he got this NO result and he resigned right away? WTF? People on this thread behave as if Varoufakis resigned based on his own preferences. He did not. He was pushed out.
  16. ZeroHedge has been a perma bear and has successfully predicted 10 out of the last one crisis in the past decade. :) +1
  17. How do you guys reconcile reading 500 pages a day with saving time? 8) This is semi-serious question. On one hand, I would save tons of time not reading CoBF, articles, videos about investors and investing, company news, Barron's, investing books, etc. On the other hand, how to decide what of these are important and what are just filler (though possibly interesting). We are at the stage where I could read the investing blogs, listen to podcasts, etc. 8 hours a day and not cover all the good stuff there (sorry Oddballstocks, you're out :P ). So?
  18. There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is shoving your superiority into their face. ;D We need an "antiquote" thread. ;)
  19. I've done the CC trick in the past. I loved it when Chase was doing 0% for years around 2000 or so. They wised up at some point. Yeah, like Buffett said, get a large 30y mortgage. Preferably on a house in Florida/Atlanta, preferably in 2010 (ah drats, I got the mortgage, but I did not get second house with second mortgage in Florida, missed that one).
  20. Email. I try to get my inboxes to ~50 messages weekly or so. Sometimes I succeed. Work email is now at 600+, home is only at 150+. I know where my weekend will go :)
  21. I want to +1 this. Nobody else acknowledged it. Great one rpadebet 8) Most people already said things I do. However, overall, I don't save time for saving time. I save time for doing things I wanna do. ;) So, for example, short to no commute, cause I hate driving/stress. Though overall, I am not good at saving time. I do a lot of stuff "for fun" that are not really time efficient. IMO, if you try to make time for something and then you hate doing it (like researching stocks too much), then it might be better to have less time for it but still like it when you do it. :) One thing that I did not see people mention was "hold forever" stocks. This saves a lot of time, since you don't need to be thinking every day if you should sell and if you should buy something else. :) Also cutting down the number of stocks that I research. If previously I was "relooking" at ~20 stocks per Barron's issue and possibly 20+ other stocks per week. Now I am down to 3-5 maybe. (In the past I have looked at ~5K stocks briefly and ~1K in detail, though some of these are not updated/relooked for years).
  22. Agreed with Travis. (Though I did not finish)
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