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Posts posted by Jurgis

  1. The best you can do as an individual is simply to take the proper precuations for you and your loved ones. Fuck everyone else.


    Yes. You succinctly captured the American spirit of individuality.


    As an outsider I had never realized it quite as starkly before this virus revealed it.


    Not all Americans are assholes. Although CoBF has a share of them.

  2. Civ VI was available for free for some time on Epics Game Store. I missed it. I guess I was not that interested.  ::)


    I may have mentioned that I started investing in stocks because one day I realized that instead of spending time trying to win in imaginary world, I could spend time winning (making money) in real world. And the rest, as they say, is history.  ;)


    I still play. But not strategy games. They take too much time IMO.



    Of course, this is likely like the monkey who accidentally got 40 heads in a row




    But what if all those monkeys came from the same town let’s call it “Robinhoodville” then would it not show that this is not just luck ?


    Great observation.  I guess when you make money on momentum, momo begets more momo.  So more monkeys running the same strategy actually leads to better performance and can allow the monkeys to get really wealthy.  I guess when it doesn't work, it unravels pretty quickly as well.


    Conclusion: monkeys that collaborate build a better civilization faster than the other monkeys who pretend that they have built a civilization but really just read books internet forums and write analyses that no other monkey reads.

  4. I believe I've now updated both sheets to reflect the current known portfolio. The links in this old post will still work.


    The spreadsheet I'd advise you to Make a copy of for your own use is:

    Berkshire Hathaway Look Through Earnings & Holdings


    The spreadsheet that is publicly editable by anyone (but anyone can see any edits you make, the edit history, or corrupt the spreadsheet) is:

    Berkshire Look through earnings - Public editing allowed



    Just FYI, publicly editable spreadsheet looks like it's been corrupted. At least some values are grossly incorrect.

    This should have been expected but FYI if someone is still using it.

  5. OK, I'm ready for hate.  8)


    I went and read M* report on DBX.


    I know that people here on CoBF have low opinion about M* reports.


    Well, so here's couple things:

    1. M* report says pretty much what I said above. With more data/numbers/etc.

    2. IMO M* report is better than a lot of postings on CoBF. Definitely better than my postings. So there. 8)


    (Yeah, M* covers limited universe - there's no M* report on EB, for example - so there's def niche for people posting on CoBF. And for some stocks CoBFers may know more than M* analysts.)


    Anyway, I'm still interested in what OP will write.  8)


    Sounds interesting I might start by going through the report


    Just FYI M* is changing the analyst on DBX. The old report is still available, but they dropped some parts like value estimate (that may be irrelevant for you anyway).

  6. I rarely listen to podcasts. Unfortunately, podcasts (audio) and video (Youtube/etc.) are huge time hogs. I think I still have browser tabs open from 3+ years ago with podcasts/videos that I have not viewed/listened. Compared to reading a transcript/article/whatever, even at 2x speed audio/video is huge time hog.


    Before anyone suggests: I don't listen while driving. I don't take public transport. I don't listen while exercising, cooking, taking shower, having sex, sleeping, etc.  ::)

  7. Parsad,

    I support the move to monetize the site. Otherwise it is not sustainable.  However, charging for a subscription probably doesn't get you that many $s . Risk is that it dramatically decreases engagement amongst current users and proves to be a barrier for entry to future users. It's not even the $ amount - just the fact that it's not readily available. CEO of Shopify recently said that good businesses take things that are already possible and make it 10x easier - ie reduce friction.

    Don't have an answer right now as to how to monetize but will think about it.


    IIUC the current fee is really not monetization, but rather a barrier to keep random Interdudes out.


    Proposed subscription is likely monetization. I agree that it might not attract that many people. Unless people see it as a support-Sanjeev payment and pay it even though the benefits are not big.


    Let me back-of-the-napkin calculate revenues for CoBF. It says max online in 2019 was 1950. Looking at guests/members ratio, it's about 5:1. So 1950 / 5 = 390 members. Let's guess 10x total members: 3900 (maybe that's undercounting). Well, if you get $200 per year per 3900 users, that's $780K per year. That's pretty respectable actually, since you likely spend less than 1 person/year for upkeep. The problem is that I'd guess 1/10 of the 3900 users will actually subscribe (and even if I undercounted casual users, they are unlikely to subscribe, so the total might be close). So that's $78K. Actually not bad. Might pay for upkeep, though clearly not something one can live on (in Canada).


    At these numbers likely subscription yields more revenues than any ad-based strategy. So unfortunately, likely subscription is the way to go. Even though personally I'm not fond of subscription sites (and likely won't subscribe).

  8. I wonder if this type of disinformation is russian psyops or just dumb people, probably both..



    Usual urban legend/conspiracy theory fare.  ::)



    We have a fair :P share of these on CoBF too.

  9. I agree with you spartansaver. Recognizing great manager is tough. My examples make it look easy with 20/20 vision. But who knew that Ballmer will screw up while Satya will do great? (Yeah, I know the Monday morning quarterback Ballmer haters "knew".) Who knew that Rometty will fail while Satya will do great? And was Zuckerberg a great manager or just good one? How about Eric Schmidt? IIRC Novell failed under his leadership. I was definitely not impressed when Google made him CEO. Did he become a great manager or just good-enough one not to screw a great company? And how about Dara? Is he gonna make Uber great again? (Not even talking about Ron Johnson and JC Penney...). Is Larry Ellison great for building Oracle into juggernaut or is he a fail for recent Oracle mediocrity?

  10. OK, I'm ready for hate.  8)


    I went and read M* report on DBX.


    I know that people here on CoBF have low opinion about M* reports.


    Well, so here's couple things:

    1. M* report says pretty much what I said above. With more data/numbers/etc.

    2. IMO M* report is better than a lot of postings on CoBF. Definitely better than my postings. So there. 8)


    (Yeah, M* covers limited universe - there's no M* report on EB, for example - so there's def niche for people posting on CoBF. And for some stocks CoBFers may know more than M* analysts.)


    Anyway, I'm still interested in what OP will write.  8)



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