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Everything posted by Haasje

  1. I know its not your opinion but of that guy. But what about companies that were on the "real exchanges" but sort of failed. And become too small for that cost structure.
  2. isn't selling a put on a merger arb, basically the same thing as being long announced spread merger arb? I guess the puts can work better if there's unexpected timeline extension but not a break, but it's basically the same thing, right?. You do lose the overbid optionality, but that's pretty rare and only relevant to some situations. Risk arbitrageurs rightly describe their business as one of put selling. Is there a non-obvious reason that put sales are better than being long the spread? I like writing puts if I have a different opinion on the close, the break price or certain events compared to the market. You can more clearly express how you think differently about the deal via options (obviously for better or worse :) )
  3. However I think the lenders will definitely not want these cruise lines to go bankrupt I don't think this often results in cases where there are great equity gains. I really don't like these. To me it feels like gambling the bailouts will bailout the equity which seems unlikely to me but things can happen :o :o :o
  4. Bitcoin is potentially an emerging global currency. It is neutral too as it isn't controlled by any state. There are many interesting features. All the common analogies (that I use as well) that it is digital gold, digital currency, tulip bulbs are all at least a little bit off the mark. I really think this is an interesting innovation that adds a new asset class. It is not guaranteed to be a success. But in success mode (ie sustained global interest) it would need to appreciate meaningfully to satisfy demand as evidenced by total value of gold or the M1 float of large countries. The low interest rate environment is a boon but the low inflation environment is working against it.
  5. Solitario Zinc Corp $19 million market cap ~$12 million more or less liquidity on balance sheet no debt or many liabilities involved in two zinc projects where production is still a way off. they key one is the Solitario-Nexa joint venture: Nexa is the Operator of the joint venture and currently holds 61% of the joint venture company, Minera Bongará. Nexa will fund 100% of all costs through the completion of a feasibility study (with no payback) upon which Nexa will earn a 70% interest in the JV. Nexa will fund all of Solitario’s 30% portion of construction costs under a loan facility (at Solitario’s election) which will be repaid through 50% of the cash flow of the mining operation. One thing I'm watching management comp which is high while they aren't buying much shares.
  6. Noted Stahleyp. I'll look at that email to check what you mean. May have to rethink that. For good measure: if you read the article you don't get any email. It is triggered when you visit the page about my premium service. The article is unrelated.
  7. I don't like the WSJ much so wrote this: https://seekingalpha.com/article/4185647-david-einhorns-unbelievable-performance
  8. Not a supporter of the Berkshire/FFH instead of cash arguments. Sometimes cash is much better and usually the other way around.
  9. Not sure if it will perform amazing this year but ICLTF is nonetheless my favorite thing to buy right now. Imo this is potentially very interesting if you like LMB. Short write-up is on the board. 2. PMD (thesis is playing out but still expect at least one good quarter before I'm willing to move it down on the list) 3. OSTK
  10. art with a coupon!
  11. does this help Krusty? https://www.google.nl/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCUQFjAAahUKEwj70Pmr0vHGAhVD_HIKHV6FC4s&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ibanet.org%2FDocument%2FDefault.aspx%3FDocumentUid%3D4D78956F-81ED-4FD7-A205-4B12897959D3&ei=TBKxVfv6OMP4ywPeiq7YCA&usg=AFQjCNELDcdUsjfIaDHuw44SEt3y0KG0_Q&sig2=_Ibql4VHQlo1DBKsGZacTQ
  12. You just have to pull the trigger and then you get used to it real fast.
  13. I'm in the bottom 4.5% :) But I'm sure if I keep working on ideas and be patient I won't be every year, even though it's a tough crowd.
  14. Thank you, that's helpful. I'm checking it out. Freight is a good point. Although new equipment needs to be shipped as well right? Still I can see how the costs should be quite a bit higher. I'll take it into consideration as well.
  15. Hi, I'm working on a binary situation where potential upside is dependent on the value of used mining equipment. So far the more accurate valuation options are quite expensive (like a $1000). Anyone with a creative low cost idea how to value assets like these?
  16. Anything recent by Seth Godin is probably quite interesting to them: [amazonsearch] http://www.amazon.com/mn/search/?_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&field-keywords=seth%20godin&linkCode=ur2&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Aseth%20godin&sprefix=seth%20g%2Caps&tag=901827-20&url=search-alias%3Daps&linkId=7MNRX6L5ZNDIEIUF[/amazonsearch] Especially Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? How to drive your career and create a remarkable future and The Icarus Deception: How High Will You Fly? come to mind.
  17. I don't think a brand is a competitive advantage but more like an asset. Sometimes there is a competitive advantage enjoyed by a company with a brand that enables high ROI investments into the brand or otherwise powers it.
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