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Everything posted by vox

  1. It could be certificates of deposit that they chose to discount at a market rate.
  2. The new Air Force One planes aren't scheduled to enter service until 2024, meaning Trump wouldn't use them. And "The current pair of VC-25A aircraft that serve as Air Force One—two heavily modified Boeing 747-200B jetliners—are the last of their kind and have been in service since 1990. There are no 747-200 aircraft in commercial service anywhere in the world, making logistic support for them expensive. "Parts obsolescence, diminishing manufacturing sources, and increased down times for maintenance are existing challenges that will increase until a new aircraft is fielded,” Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James said of the existing aircraft when the Boeing contract was announced." http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/12/trump-tweets-rage-at-cost-of-new-air-force-one-cancel-order/
  3. The homeownership rate of those under age 35 is 35%. It would be a terrible idea to redistribute the voting pool to make it much older when the government has natural tendencies to kick fiscal problems down the road and subsidize health and entitlement programs with the young and future workers.
  4. There was a Senate investigation into RenTech's use of options to avoid tax payments which found that leverage could go up to 17:1. http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2014/07/22/renaissance-hedge-fund-chief-defends-use-of-basket-options/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0
  5. If Hillary Clinton changes her mind on a position - like she has on TPP or gay marriage, she is cast as a "refined deceiver." If she does not change her mind on the issues, she is cast as an ideologue who is 'not open to negotiations.' If Hillary Clinton does not force out Debbie Wasserman Schultz, she is 'perpetuating corruption.' If she does force out Schultz, she would be cast as throwing others under the bus for her own misbehavior.
  6. Is there really an argument here that a career politician may not have the same skills/experience negotiating deals as an accomplished businessman? This was one of the most shocking aspects of the 2012 election; that there were people who held it against Romney that he was successful and claimed Obama would be better for the economy. For one, somebody who has made their living taking other people's money(through taxation and donation) can't possibly have the same respect for details as someone looking out for their own dollar/investors/business. Donald Trump is not Mitt Romney, nor does he have Mitt Romney's endorsement. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-trump-bankruptcies-insig-idUSKCN0ZX0GP
  7. Can you be more specific as to what negotiating experience your basing your opinion off of? Donald Trump has never held an elected office, so I'm not sure what you're judging his negotiating skills from, other than his ghost-written autobiography. Some of the Secretary of State's negotiations are secret for national security interests, as it always has been, and would continue to be under a Donald Trump presidency.
  8. The reason Donald Trump has and would be forced to shift his plans is because they are unrealistic, impractical, and would cause massive harms. He either has a deep ignorance on policy to think that it would be reasonable to deport 12 million people without resorting to a police state, or is intentionally misleading his followers by taking a hard-line approach he doesn't intend to carry out. Let's remember that as recently as last month, Donald Trump was doubling down on his belief that the exonerated men convicted of a rape in Central Park were guilty despite DNA evidence and the confession of the real perpetrator.
  9. RE: rb I don't know the exact breakdown, and I imagine that total viewership is more important than the hours of content, but they do program an hour of Megyn Kelly in between Hannity and O'Reilly. I don't think that Bret Baier released his story with the intent to deceive, I think his private sources were probably overzealous and misled him. RE: rkbabang You're shifting your position from being 'the mainstream media is not any less biased than Fox News' to 'Fox News is open or apparent about their bias and the mainstream media is not.' Joe Biden has been criticized roundly for his gaffes when he ran for President. Frankly, he doesn't get covered because people care about the Vice President an order of magnitude less than the President.
  10. To be clear, there are reporters and anchors on Fox News that follow journalistic standards. There's a reason why Chris Wallace was chosen to be the moderator for the third Presidential debate. Bret Baier who broke the indictment story is supposed to be one of them, which is why the story had legs. There are also Fox News entertainers like Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly who do not follow the standards. Implicit bias may be present in journalists for the amount and tenor of the way they choose to cover certain stories, but you won't find traditional media sources hawking completely unfounded conspiracy theories like on the Hannity show.
  11. It also looks like that "likely indictment" Fox News reported is inaccurate. http://money.cnn.com/2016/11/03/media/baseless-fox-news-indictment-report/index.html?sr=twnewday110416baseless-fox-news-indictment-report1010AMVODtopVideo&linkId=30696896
  12. I believe this. To put the issue in context, the Clintons have been political figures for nearly forty years. The couple's tax returns since 1977 are public. There has been opposition research and special prosecutor investigations that have spent easily in excess of $100 million trying to find proof of criminal behavior on their part. On the other hand, Donald Trump has steadfastly refused to release any of his tax returns - even those that are not under audit. Thanks to investigative reporting by David Fahrenthold, there is abundant evidence that he used his charity for self-dealing. Michael Chertoff, lead Republican counsel on the Senate Whitewater Committee will vote for Hillary Clinton. https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2016-10-03/clinton-s-former-prosecutor-michael-chertoff-endorses-her Kenneth Starr, former Whitewater independent counsel praises Bill Clinton for his philantropic work. He stated: "President Clinton of course is serving the country magnificently, the work of the Clinton Foundation, his leadership in Haiti obviously. The then first lady is an extremely and able energetic secretary of state." http://www.foxnews.com/story/2010/02/17/why-ken-starr-would-apologize-to-bill-clinton.html
  13. I don't really get how anyone can shop for clothes without trying them on. Unless you had some Kinect type device and custom fits which I suppose will eventually happen but hasn't happened yet. I have no problems buying clothes online. Many retailers offer free return shipping, or at least free in store returns. I mostly buy from brands that I have prior experience with and can calibrate my sizing. If I purchase a final sale item and it doesn't fit well, chances are that it would fit one of my siblings and I will gift it to them. As far as unique items like dress shoes, there are complete websites and forums that compare sizing and discuss lasts.
  14. Cardboard has a habit of trying to silence those that disagree with him.
  15. I agree that gerrymandering of political districts is a problem, but I think legislative riders fall within the purview of political compromise. I am sympathetic to the argument that's been floated that ending earmarks has contributed to the current environment of political partisanship. http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-oe-frost-earmark-spending-20150209-story.html
  16. The Supreme Court is also anti-democratic, the U.S. government is based on a system of checks and balances. I have no problem with reducing the number of superdelegates so that it excludes some members of the DNC or asking them to wait until X days before their state's primary to endorse a candidate.
  17. By any measure, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote and pledged delegates from the Democratic primaries. One could make the argument that the Democratic primaries are more democratic since pledged delegates are assigned by proportion of the popular vote, and not winner-take-all like in many Republican primaries. Personally, I don't have a problem with the concept of superdelegates as they are the people who have actually worked with the candidates. They have a view of the organizational, relationship building, and leadership skills that even the most informed outsiders do not.
  18. I have not seen anybody on this forum who disavows Hillary Clinton because her policies are too conservative. What do you think Paul Ryan's staff feels about the House Freedom Caucus?
  19. I never accused you of being xenophobic. I also never had a discussion with you about stagnating wages. The genesis of this conversation was your reply that free trade or as you insist on calling it "fair trade" was not supported by a majority of Americans. You're obviously making the claim that Donald Trump would be better at resolving the issue, otherwise it's a complete non sequitur in the 'which presidential candidate will you vote for?' thread. You also tried to do so here. Trump proposal is to use Tariffs. The White House has been confronting the issue by researching the origins of the crime, initiating indictments against the perpetrators, and passing legislation and issuing executive orders to provide remedies for the damages. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/us-to-announce-first-criminal-charges-against-foreign-country-for-cyberspying/2014/05/19/586c9992-df45-11e3-810f-764fe508b82d_story.html
  20. Here is John Carlin's white paper regarding national security cyber threats: https://lawfare.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/staging/2016/Carlin%20FINAL.pdf On pg. 428, he writes: There is no reason to believe that Donald Trump would be tougher or more successful in preventing commercial espionage other than your predisposition towards him.
  21. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Do you have any compunctions in investing in oil?
  22. You are the one that brought up all of those issues in your original comment: But if you want to talk about IP theft specifically, that is fine. IP theft refers to a number of practices including patent infringement, trademark violations, copyright infringement, and trade secret theft. Tariffs are ineffective at dealing with any of these issues. There already are legal mechanisms to resolve patent infringement disputes. Items that violate trademark and copyright protections are already contraband. That leaves trade secret theft as the very narrow ground you're defending. You should be proud to know that the Foreign Economic Espionage Penalty Enhancement Act was signed into law by President Obama in 2013 sets penalties for the misappropriation of trade secrets of up to $5 million for individuals and up to three times the actual value of the trade secret for organizations. That law, in conjunction with the Theft of Trade Secrets Clarification Act signed in 2012 allows prosecutors to seek redress for violations of the statutes. On the other hand, your proposed solution of tariffs would apply not to the specific perpetrators of the theft but to all exporters of that good or service from that country.
  23. Out of curiosity, do you actually live and invest based on this forecast? Considering that Hillary Clinton has a 90% (+/- 10%) chance of winning the election, are you choosing to spend your savings because death is imminent or scoping out for a fallout shelter to survive the post-apocalyptic wasteland? No I don't choose to live in a post nuclear wasteland. I live in the North Eastern United States about 60miles from Boston. I won't survive the first nuclear strike. I'm obviously hoping for the best case scenario, which still isn't good with Hillary, but we all survived the first Cold War. Ok. I think that you would agree that the market isn't currently pricing in "all out war in the middle east." Are you actually positioning your portfolio for that scenario?
  24. Out of curiosity, do you actually live and invest based on this forecast? Considering that Hillary Clinton has a 90% (+/- 10%) chance of winning the election, are you choosing to spend your savings because death is imminent or scoping out for a fallout shelter to survive the post-apocalyptic wasteland?
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