I'm currently reading Letters from a self-made merchant to his son, written by John Graham. Recommended by Munger and, of course, it delivers. Short and to the point. During 2014 I've also read:
1. Transcend: Nine Steps to living well forever, Ray Kurzweil and Terry Grossman
2. The Personal MBA, Josh Kaufman
3. I Will Teach you to be Rich, Ramit Sethi
4. The Paradox of Choice, Barry Schwartz
5. Los Cuatro Acuerdos, Miguel Ruiz
6. Daily Rituals: How Artists Work, Mason Currey
7. Bull, Maggie Mahar
8. On the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin
9. There's Always Something to Do, Peter Cundill
10. Antifragile, Nassim Nicholas Taleb
11. The art of learning, Josh Waitzkin
12. Supermoney, Adam Smith
13. Seeking Wisdom: From Darwin to Munger, Peter Bevelin
14. Happy Money, Elizabeth Dunn
15. The Hard Thing about Hard Things, Ben Horowitz
16. The little book that builds wealth, Pat Dorsey.
17. Conspiracy of Fools, Kurt Eichenwald
18. The Financier, Theodore Dreiser
19. The Essays of Warren Buffett, Lawrence A. Cunningham
20. Autobiography, Abraham Flexner.