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  1. What's the source? the fact that California is not on there is suspect. Although then it might be > 50%
  2. cross posting. Good brief accessible intro and visualization of how LLMs work.
  3. This has a nice groove.
  4. Anyone want to try programming one? https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/quantum/qsharp-overview
  5. Any ideas for managing/beating inflation?
  6. Good visual intro explanation of how LLMs work. That channel has a lot of good more indepth explanations as well.
  7. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/visualizing-the-sp-500s-domestic-and-foreign-revenues/#:~:text=Below%2C we show the breakdown,and foreign sources in 2023.&text=While foreign revenues made up,to foreign sales than others. remember that about 30% of SP500 revenue is international, close to 60% for tech.
  8. Yup. No body wants to pay the piper. It's been a crazy couple of decades though with the financial crisis and pandemic. Both of those had a significant impact on spending and debt iirc. Not sure how the US gets out of this mess other than to inflate.
  9. Awesome! Hope you have a great time. Have you been before? West coast or east coast?
  10. Can anyone see the results of this poll? I only see the following [[Template core/global/global/poll is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]
  11. Club med!!! Highly recommend it for families with active children who want a week off No dishes, no cooking and cleaning, lots of entertainment and fun active stuff to do. Or just laze at the beach
  12. hmm. Well it's good that you have confidence, but why don't you think you have the chops now to go for a Sr Staff Eng job? Do you think that 6 months of training alone will get you to that level? Staff Eng is pretty high up there, Sr Staff is very high. You need actual experience on real projects with many people usually to get that level of a a job, which it sounds like you have? The Sr Staff folks I know have been working with large teams delivering projects for years. I'm just wondering. Hopefully I'm not coming off as negative. I mean it's rare for someone to just get hired at a 3x salary to their previous position...
  13. Just start slow and stretch. I overdid the eccentric downhill stepdown type movements and paid for it for months.
  14. I'm curious what you could do to retool and immediately triple your salary?
  15. Worth watching these projections. I don't know if he gets into the grid transmission issue, but if current cost curve reductions continue it's going to be pretty wild.
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