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  1. Take a look at https://www.investing.com/ It covers foreign stocks, has as a screener, and 4 years of fundamentals.
  2. The following site has some data: https://public.tableau.com/profile/financial.research.station#!/
  3. Nice find. Bought both. Thanks for sharing!
  4. The Commercial & Financial Chronicle archives can be found at: https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/
  5. Try the list at "Rank and Filed" http://rankandfiled.com/#/data/cusips
  6. racemize, Wow. Thanks for sharing!
  7. influx, Thanks for the Wesco collection!
  8. Attached is a pdf of the FRED graph. fredgraph.pdf
  9. FRED can do it. I think the data sets you need are CP and GNP. Tried to put a link to it here but can't figure out how to do it.
  10. CaptK, Sending in the printed form will work. Had to do that myself a couple years ago.
  11. Take a look at Everbank (at everbank.com) they have some promotional rates that might provide a bit of a boost depending on what you need.
  12. The Memory Book - Harry Lorayne How to Read a Book - Mortimer Adler How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie
  13. This weekend GuruFocus started offering an Excel Add-In for their Premium subscribers. I've been a Premium subscriber for a couple years and must admit this is a great new feature. It downloads 20 years of annual and quarterly financial data straight into an Excel spreadsheet. Plus you can get Portfolio and Guru reports downloaded too although I haven't played around with those much yet.
  14. Anyone tried Ycharts or Money.net as a data source? Both have been touted in the media as bloomberg replacements...
  15. Here are a couple free things that might help get started at least with the bond portion: To see debt ratings and such sign up for for a free account at https://www.moodys.com/ To see the overall bond picture of a company, "Bonds" tab for the particular company on http://morningstar.com/ (Just be aware there are 2 "Bonds" tabs. The one at the top of the page is just general bond info, the other one is on the row of tabs for the particular company.)
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