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Everything posted by ValueBuff

  1. dont waste a good butter chicken dish like that!!! bad Sanjeev bad!
  2. Great conversation here... But with BNI's debt..how much of an impact would the increase in cashflow due to inflation have on it current debt? If cashflow and enetprise values are expanding via inflation and debt stay the same...then would it not be another positive for the company? Or is this a near sighted thought. thanks
  3. did they not payoff their bridge loan with the equity issue recently?
  4. As long as PD can handle the debt load...i wouldnt worry about it. If we do get inflation down the road, the debt would be a benefit. Inflationary earnings would pay down the debt quicker as it is static. inflation would make oil higher, and thus more drilling.
  5. Since FFH dopped their hedges late last year...has anybody been able to ballpark a NAV sensitivity to a 10% movement in equity markets? thanks for the info.
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