Why don't you like MLPs? Is it just the tax implications or are there other issues?
I prefer c-Corp over MLP mostly due to ease of dealing with them (no K-1). Energy and even midstream is cyclical and volatile, so one can benefit from buying and selling at the “right time “. MLP are a pain in the butt when dealing with partial sales, distribution recapture etc. Also, 60% + of my assets are in tax deferred accounts, which are no-go for MLP (UBTI concern).
I would consider an MLP (and indeed own one) for a long term holding only, preferably something I never intend to sell. I think only EPD is really of high enough quality and even there are rumbling about converting to a c-Corp.
Are you forced to sell & pay the taxes in a C corp conversion?
Why would they consider such a move?
Changes to the tax code and a broader base of potential investors (some investors can't invest in MLPs).