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Everything posted by phil_Buffett

  1. sistema down 33% this morning :o edit: i once own sistema and sold it short ago at around 21€ ($27) with a nice gain. i bought some today. stock is down more then 50% in one month.
  2. thanks! he bought also intralot and Eurobank in the european fund. great :)
  3. congrats josh! really stunning amazing!!
  4. so hey bought sony. would be interesting to hear his Thesis on it.
  5. indeed a ugly time right now. i sold my pwe at around 35% gain but go back in manitok and lightstream to early. in the red now. also buy back pwe at the huge drop
  6. no others i cant buy :/. i would buy lotte chilsung and Lg but cant, sad Story. may i have to open up a IB account too. if you have success with buying those via IB please contact me :) thanks phil
  7. i can understand you. also sold last week my posco to buy some stocks with more Price potential
  8. yes i can :). but only the gdr Shares which are a half of a preferred share, but it is the same share. i can only buy hyundai preferred gdr and Samsung preferred gdr share via ing. but thats ok for me. i hold both and think both are undervalued. hmm sad that you cant buy them via ing belgium, the gdr Shares also not? cheers phil
  9. That's more names than I have in my portfolio. :D Must say plenty of stocks have gotten cheaper quickly these last few days. AIQ, LRE, Fiat, GM, JPM, IBM, Intralot, .. for those that I follow closely. Let's hope the European correction blows over! :D yeah i have a Portfolio with a lot of names. i take the Walter schloss Approach. yeah youre right. a lot of stocks get cheap. i would buy all of that youre mentioned if i have more Money right now.
  10. german ING. and the german ING gets the quotes from UBS i think. but i buy i via ING cheers :) Phil
  11. fiat, altisource, Eurobank ergasius, horsehead, gazprom, sberbank, lightstream, penn west and clarke
  12. i have a mix. sberbank gazprom lukoil rosneft sistema (conglomerat) pharmstandard (pharma) ctc media i make this Investment a basket Approach. bought to early :D and now nice in the red 8) ;D ;D ;D
  13. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-07-30/dividend-fever-grips-korea-as-samsung-leads-kospi-rally.html
  14. i sold my Position a few weeks ago with a 35% gain in pwe. now iam back in. i bought a Position. maybe buy more if it Drops more.
  15. http://www.valuewalk.com/2014/07/jim-grant-buy-hated-hated-stocks/ talks about russian stocks
  16. http://www.bloomberg.com/video/mobius-sees-putin-pullback-if-sanctions-are-strong-q063e2S3Sk~f7sO3b3ADqw.html
  17. luck to my understanding the adr Shares are automatically converted into fca Shares if approved. to the Point that you have to vote to get the conversion, i think you dont Need to vote. you are automatically get the Shares. cheers phil
  18. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-07-22/putin-under-pressure-has-hermes-bullish-on-stocks.html
  19. russian stocks. after the get hammered this morning. gazprom, sistema, sberbank, rosneft, pharmstandard, lukoil
  20. bought today after new sanctions are in place, more gazprom, rosneft and sberbank. longer term sanctions are for me not interesting. nobody cares in 2-3 years about them. also have a already full Position in lukoil
  21. bought more manitok and lightstream today. nice for Long term Holding period
  22. http://www.valuewalk.com/2014/07/excellent-value-video-compilation-li-lu-seth-klarman-michael-price-michael-burry-others/ great
  23. Happy Birthday Sanjeev :)
  24. With both cases at a critical juncture the spring is wound tight. Informed speculation that either/both case(s) could be blow open any day can be found on this site: http://timhoward717.com/2014/06/25/order-fairholme-case/#comments I am sure both teams of attorneys follow this site as is is the best source of commentary about case developments. Preferreds are still trading at 35-40 cents on the dollar. thanks onyx1 for the site. :) hopefully we will win
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