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Everything posted by thelads

  1. My pleasure! Good luck with it. If you need anything else just let me know!!
  2. I have not used this service, but I know a couple of people with funds established who used them and from what I saw the work was excellent. I believe they still use them. I was told the contact there is Michelle. Cassuto Design 41 Union Square West #801 | New York, NY 10003 phone 212-229-9607 | fax 212-229-9843 | [email protected] Good luck with it. Also, I have reviewed a number of docs like this in the past. Happy to give an opinion should you want one. No worries if not. All the best
  3. I understand your point of view. I just really like my anonymity. It's a personal rather than professional thing. But I completely see where you are coming from.
  4. Hi Eric, I'm not sure I would be of any use, but would be happy to do so, if it remains anonymous. I have worked in the industry for about 13 years, done a mix of things. Some I imagine you will find interesting. Others less so. All of it is niche focused, but the broader lessons should be applicable and hopefully some of the anecdotes would be interesting.
  5. Hi Sunrider, I know this isn't exactly what you are looking at, but here is a link to Aswath Damodoran's site where he has some rough EBITDA and EBIT Multiples: http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~adamodar/New_Home_Page/datafile/vebitda.html There is an excel link in there too. In addition, I believe he has this going back several years. If you have a friend with access to Bloomberg or Cap Iq I believe you can search by more discrete subsectors and then make a list of the names and pull in historical multiples. Good luck!
  6. to that. Sorry if this is a dumb question. I know in the US companies must file a proxy statement on a merger or acquisition. As part of this they must put in the rationale and a valuation of the business being acquired. I think that's true of spin offs also. I was just wondering if that is true of canadian companies too. And if so what the filing is called? I ask because I am starting to look @ the precious metals mining space. It looks like there could/should be more consolidation there, and that prices on an asset basis look cheap. though the cash flow situation looks precarious for many. So I thought I would start looking early. And thought maybe these filings might be a starting point for standards in valuing the companies. Any information pertaining to these questions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.
  7. Not sure if it fits or counts (and to be fair Maintenance Capex is very hard to estimate - should we be counting some recent acquisitions etc?) but maybe Samsung Pref Shares. 005935 KS.
  8. dont have that. But here is a video he made @ Google. http://gregspeicher.com/?p=4619
  9. Hi everyone, another way of getting exposure is to look at the Weiss opportunity fund. I believe it's listed in London. Basically doing this trade accross Korean prefs. http://www.weisskoreaopportunityfund.com/cgi-bin/index.pl I think it is currently trading at a premium so maybe good to wait for a discount. One other thing, may not be too relevant, but just in case someone cares. Samsung common is the largest component of the EEM etf. So as people have been freaking out they have been selling this and that has caused pressure and thus on a lot of Korean names.
  10. JEast, If you were just putting a of together. What 5 names would you have in there?
  11. I agree he does detailed analysis. Fair enough on that. But I just lose all respect when resorting to that language (in the ny mag article from another fund) or endorsing it. It's one thing to think it or say it behind closed doors. But what does he hope to achieve? Will that bring the CEO around or make it even possible to bridge the gap. It hardly helps the case and makes resolution that much harder. A fraud is a different case with different requirements. It just makes me wonder about judgement. No doubt he is far brighter than I ever will be. But he is very young and this looks like a lot of ego kicking in already. I hear you on Chinese reverse mergers. And one can take nothing away there. But this was not uncommon knowledge in or around Wall Street or for those in finance living in the city. It just wasn't really actionable size wise for most. I commend him growing his fund. Doing unconventional trades and doing good analysis. But why act like this? Its such a shame. I hope he comes around to better public communication. Such a waste otherwise. Becomes more tabloidish otherwise.
  12. Has anyone looked closely at zinc? I understand the thesis of the new plant, low cost operator, but does anyone have any input on the execution risk of getting this operational?
  13. As someone else stated, he is size sensitive. He has stated he doesn't want to be over 25bn if opportunities are hard to find. If really hard maybe smaller. Another thing to note is that in many respects things are harder (and likely to get further harder in terms of ability to hedge and find cheap tail protection. He did very well shorting subprime etc. but those avenues are largely gone now. Having those super levered cheap hedges facilitated a larger gross notional book. Not the case today. But overall he is most certainly bearish. He has been on the record in may or so saying this is the toughest (most manipulated) market he has ever seen. There is a transcript somewhere of his speech. Well worth a read. Articulate and sobering.
  14. A belated response. Ira Sohn conference winner, interview about Tribune. Sorry if not helpful: https://www.santangelsreview.com/2013/07/29/interview-with-2013-ira-sohn-contest-winner-simeon-mcmillan/
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