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Everything posted by james22

  1. He's a perfect example of Taleb's Dr. John.
  2. To be fair, most don't bother to study it because they've been told it's a Ponzi by people who should know better. When you've Buffet/Munger on one side of the argument and Sam Bankman-Fried the other, you can believe you know all you need to.
  3. But the governments who abuse the fiat monetary system haven't built shit. They've demonstrated nothing. Their only claim to power is printing money to buy votes. And if they trigger a hard money backlash, who better to replace them than those who correctly predicted it? (And of those, it'll be those who've also built shit that rule, not those who just bought into bitcoin for a lambo.)
  4. LOL https://davenadig.substack.com/p/bitcoin-endgames-and-the-new-hyperagents
  5. Likewise. And my 20%+ all in my Roth, so tax-adjusted more like 25%+.
  6. Henderson is best known for developing the concept of ‘luxury beliefs,’ which are political ideologies and policy proposals that confer social status on the well-to-do folk who support them. Meanwhile, those same policies injure poor and working-class people when implemented at the state’s behest. His insight is startling and applies to many more interventions than obviously daft ones like defunding the police. https://lawliberty.org/book-review/misery-loves-company/ I haven’t been able to stop thinking about one aspect of this book: the extent to which dishonesty is entirely normalized in our society among the elite. The luxury classes people pretend to believe that marriage doesn’t matter, but very few of them have children out of wedlock. They pretend to believe that fat-shaming is a serious moral affront, while they spend a fortune on organic food and personal trainers to keep themselves fit and trim. They pretend to believe many things that their lives betray they don’t actually believe at all. It’s easy to think that most of them are just going along with the crowd and don’t realize they’re lying, but the truth is that most of them do know, which is why they expressed agreement with Rob in private. This is a familiar dynamic; I used to get DMs on Twitter from people apologizing that they couldn’t follow me (though they made a point to daily read my tweets) without upsetting their coworkers. These people included a couple of college professors, a Unitarian minister, and a couple of therapists, and possibly others I’ve forgotten. Dishonesty is so normalized that this kind of performative fragmentation—signaling that one believes certain things while acting as if one believes other things—may eventually be recognized as a marker of intelligence and proper preparation for class climbing (or class maintenance, if one starts off in that class). https://hollymathnerd.substack.com/p/agency-is-a-life-defining-skill
  7. And in both cases, the ETF makes what you hold yourself more valuable.
  8. Searching COBF returns 1,501 hits for momentum and 347 hits for "Special Situation."
  9. Funny this thread isn't getting more attention. But bullish.
  10. How China strangled its golden goose – and paid a terrible price Under Xi’s tightening grip, Hong Kong’s days as a global deal-making hub are numbered https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/02/29/hong-kong-turn-back-on-capitalism-taylor-swift-leo-messi/?s=09
  11. No one watches TCAF? https://www.youtube.com/@TheCompoundNews/videos
  12. 1. LOL 2. It's possible those who frequent fast food places aren't familiar with the highest of caliber local steakhouses.
  13. Red China Isn’t ‘Back’ Under Xi Jinping. It Never Went Away https://time.com/6758445/red-china-xi-jinping/
  14. If it [bitcoin] did grow to consume significant energy, I think it would still be less wasteful than the labour and resource intensive conventional banking activity it would replace. The cost would be an order of magnitude less than the billions in banking fees that pay for all those brick and mortar buildings, skyscrapers and junk mail credit card offers. - Satoshi https://crypto.news/satoshi-explains-btc-more-energy-efficient-than-banks/ I don't need to be to invest in it - do you believe any company you invest in will grow to the sky? Just that we're early on the adoption curve. But if I had to guess, the $14T market cap of completely adopted gold seems a reasonable target. (Others believe that's conservative.) Until bitcoin hits $700K/coin, I'd probably believe it hasn't been completely adopted. (That doesn't mean I believe its adoption is inevitable, I don't.)
  15. Bitcoin's efficiency allows energy to be put to more productive use. At what point would you say bitcoin has been adopted?
  16. How about the "symbolic analysts"? The jobs that are coming under attack first are the jobs that up to now have resisted technological replacement. https://instapundit.substack.com/p/the-coming-symbolic-analyst-meltdown?sd=pf
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