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Everything posted by Steve

  1. elijah craig barrel proof. old fashioned. amazing.
  2. cut the chord several years ago.... before that I would take advantage of direct tv's hiatus feature (stop service and bill for up to 6 months)... and then only have service during football season. currently I use netflix... hbo now... amazing prime (but haven't used it yet).
  3. http://www.wsj.com/articles/resale-prices-tumble-on-electric-cars-1424977378 Incredible values on electric cars... and fascinating article!
  4. just like liar's poker inspired kids to go to wall street... wolf of wall street inspired kids to become shady penny stock investors.
  5. thanks for sharing! the Jason Raznick ted talk was fantastic... If I recall correctly Tracy Britt Cool kept contacting Warren Buffett and showed up with a bushel of sweet corn and tomatoes.... and was hired.
  6. just finished : The Facebook Effect (found it fascinating), and The Everything Store (was evaluating AMZN LEAPS and thought I should read this... highly recommend) currently : Zero to One (love it so far... one of those books that makes you think deeply) -Steve
  7. Started watching this documentary... small piece on value investing.... so far pretty interesting... Enjoy! http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-09-24/traders-millions-minute-part-1 http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-09-25/traders-millions-minute-part-2 -Steve
  8. http://greatinvestors.tv/video/howard-marks-on-taking-the-high-road-in-business-and-investi.html okay can anybody see what books are on Howard Mark's bookshelf? Tried zooming in and reading the titles but no luck. Thanks!
  9. http://www.bloomberg.com/video/buffett-blankfein-bloomberg-synder-small-businesses-a_r7nL5gTuaULgxzGwD3~w.html?cmpid=yhoo 28 minutes with Buffett, L. Blankfein, M. Bloomberg, R. Snyder
  10. They've done a study.... you know, and 60% of the time he is right ... all the time. -Steve
  11. Tucows Inc (TCX)... CEO Elliot Noss mentioned as a small cap Henry Singleton. Since, 2006, Tucows has taken nearly half of its shares outstanding off the table... that is some serious cannibalization! -Steve
  12. matt damon as michael burry?
  13. I really enjoyed Give and Take, many lessons on how to conduct business the best way for long lasting success. -Steve
  14. great article on how U.S. oil boom is changing the world: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2014/01/16/how-the-u-s-oil-boom-is-changing-the-world-in-6-charts/ -Steve
  15. I'm particular fond of the business management software companies that offer tax solutions- INTU, BCOR - these companies have the scalable advantages of the software companies (IP), huge barriers to entry, user switching costs, and high margins. -Steve
  16. Steve

    The War of Art

    [amazonsearch]The War of Art[/amazonsearch] I highly recommend reading "the War of Art" by Steven Pressfield ....(not to be confused with "the Art of War").... One of the best books I've read in years.... it's a very quick and easy read... finished it in 2.5 hours.... couldn't put it down... highly recommend! -Steve
  17. There's a Poker special on Bloomberg TV tonight (10/23) - 9pm eastern: Players: David Einhorn (Greenlight Capital), Steve Kuhn (Pine River Investments), John Rogers (Ariel Investments), Jim Chanos (Kynikos Associates), Mario Gabelli (Gabelli Asset Management), and Bill Perkins (Skylar Capital) http://www.businessinsider.com/david-einhorn-faces-bill-perkins-poker-2013-10 -Steve
  18. "Markets are inefficient because of human nature - innate, deep-rooted, permanent. People don't consciously choose to invest with emotion - they simply can't help it." "So if the entire country became securities analysts, memorized Benjamin Graham's Intelligent Investor and regularly attended Warren Buffett's shareholder meetings, most people would, nevertheless, find themselves irresistibly drawn to hot initial public offerings, momentum strategies and investment fads...People would, in short, still be attracted to short-term, get rich quick schemes." - Seth Klarman
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