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Everything posted by wachtwoord

  1. MTGox is the biggest exchange atm and still has 61% of the exchange market (this has been much higher): http://bitcoincharts.com/charts/volumepie/ This will change in time (and is changing). The same is occurring with mining pools: http://blockchain.info/pools?timespan=4days
  2. Only full nodes need to store the full blockchain (I run a full node) and the blockchain is only ~8GB. It won't really be a problem. Also, the illegal content in the blockchain might be a problem although I do not believe a judge is going to convict anyone of child pornography possession if it is included in the blockchain and millions of people have it on their computers for a completely different purpose. Please read https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Weaknesses for a summary of all weaknesses, discussion of things that are unlikely to be weaknesses and pure myths.
  3. Since I discovered Bitcoin 2 years ago I have really liked the concept of a cryptocurrency. I believe in time one or more cryptocurrencies will replace fiat currencies. And no, cryptocurrencies aren't even remotely comparable to e-gold, if you believe that you haven't investigated it sufficiently. I would recommend anyone to read http://evoorhees.blogspot.nl/2012/04/bitcoin-libertarian-introduction.html And I'm not buying any at $90 as well, mainly because I find it impossible to value them (therefore they likely don't belong on a value investors forum as it's speculative at any price).
  4. Thanks for the discussions in this thread, they helped me in my analysis of what I think is a great investment. I initiated a position today @ $66.32.
  5. OMG! I have been investing for years, but never knew what I was doing. I was floating in a sea of despair. I knew I was searching for the right way to invest, but the fact that I didn't know what I was looking for made it that much harder to find. They say when the student is ready the teacher will appear. And here you are. Look at this treasure trove. Don't time the market. Check. Buy a high value wide moat business! Check . . . um, could you perhaps explain this "wide moat" concept? Also, you mention "the intelligent investor". What is that? Who wrote it? Thanks very much! Haha lol ;D I figured it would have been clear referring to the most-well known value investing book ever was meant jokingly. Perhaps I should have stopped after the first sentence. However the point I made stands. Tomorrow the market will either be flat, go up or go down ;)
  6. I thought this was a value investors forum? OP, are you saying you never read the intelligent investor? Don't try to time the market (no one can). Buy when a high value wide-moat business is undervalued with a high enough margin of safety (and optionally sell when it's sufficiently overvalued).
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