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wachtwoord last won the day on June 9 2023

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  1. Dave gets it.
  2. Of course there's a security trade off ffs. It's lightning, it's for low value transactions that don't need the security of yransactions worth many millions. It really looks like you didnt do any research or understand anything about this topic. All your claims are either fundamentally flawed or are missing the forest for the trees.
  3. Proof of stake leads to centralization and kills any security. Come on this was tried back in 2013 with Peercoin (and copy cats after) there's no reason to be making this mistake in 2025!
  4. It was always going to be centralized due to inherent complexity. But next those things also reverting transactions (so breaking immutability) and having a single person (corruptable, black-mailable and generally fallible as any person is) in control of all decisions, made it all that much worse.
  5. Inherently centralized by design (through complexity) and therefore crap as an investment (the units arent valuable). Since inception it has only become more centralized.
  6. Not for everything. Good money drives out bad money afterall. The stock market is a subjectuve popularity contest in the short term but and objective weighing function in the long.
  7. This. Truth is not a popularity contest. It's the same people problem when talking with people who think scientic consensus means something is true. It shows the pathetic level academia is at right now. Numbers might have never been higher but quality has not been lower in the last centuries, cause academia now has very very few actual scientists (truth seekers).
  8. Depends what you define as nice. It's not a short term pleasantly (niceties?) sure but I'll always appreciate when someone is willing to give it to me straight rather than someone tip toeing around the point in an attempt to not hurt my "feebings". And I do strongly believe that is someone doing me a favor (nice!). I guess for many it does indeed take age to learn/earn this life lesson/wisdom.
  9. Haha, thanks for sharing
  10. But with a, presumsbly purposeful, grammatically error, or it would be paarse laars. I always assumed it was a wordplay on the easterbunny (paashaas in Dutch). Care to tell?
  11. I didn't mean Euro the currency with EUSR but European Union Socialist Republic. I call it that as they have become no different than the Sovyet Union.
  12. Impossible or we would own it.
  13. Neither would I as then it would hold no value.
  14. Just those Europeans stuck in the EUSR And just as long as the monstrosity hasn't yet collapsed.
  15. The difference between can and must.
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