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wachtwoord last won the day on June 9 2023

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  1. The difference between can and must.
  2. Nodes lead and miners obey. Proven through user activated hard fork during the blocksize wars where those in control of the majority of mining tried to vandalize for their own incentives, failed and were forced to accept the users' (what the nodes are) change instead or be forked off.
  3. Would indeed be hilarious if he turned around and threw it as a 1.4B limit buy order at 100k I indeed see nothing yet about not being allowed to buy Bitcoin anymore for the treasury. I didnt look in depth and only looked at news articles but the only public policy measures affected I saw are:
  4. Well Bukele seems to have yielded to IMF demands at least in part: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/el-salvador-scales-back-bitcoin-035746971.html
  5. A fool and his money ...
  6. None of those are anonymous. You just change WHO can know and for how long (blockchain is immutable). Monero is private when used well (within limits). Otherwise cash (envelope in the mail?).
  7. My man, who cares how long this private company saves your data? The blockchain's public and forever and you likely bought your btc KYC.
  8. Pseudo-anonimity is the intention here I hope. Otherwise Bitcoin's a bad choice for that as well.
  9. I wouldn't personally use on-chain transactions for amounts lower than thousands of USD equivalent. You can use lightning if you must pay in fiat but why not follow Gresham's law "bad money drives out good" and spend bad money (fiat) instead?
  10. If they didn't see it coming they lived with zero empathy since 2014. What was done since NATO vassalized Ukraine in 2014 to the Russian culture's in the east was horrendous and couldn't stand. I was disappointed that Putin waited as long as he did. He though he could negotiate with the untrustworthy imperialists (NATO). Hopefully Trump does something major (like discontinue NATO, but I doubt he will as it gives the US a lot of power).
  11. If it's a lot of work for your particular psychology (don't mean you in particular of course, but in general) best get to it! Much better than any skill you can learn and translates to almost any context. It's imperative to realize what you should take personal responsibility for. Relative freedom fully depends on relative independence.
  12. As I said: that's really really easy. At least relative to the level of advisor you are likely to get (and again: no you cannot pick an above average advisor unless you also have the skills to do it yourself). Putting everything in VT or VWRL beats the average advisor. Hell it beats 80%+ of the advisors and that's before considering their cost.
  13. Coach for teaching me a skill sure when that's more effective than teaching myself (so exception with all sources available these days). So that's time constrained by definition. Not to do the thing for me. That only makes sense for the very low end skill-price side of the spectrum eg cleaning (which I still choose to do myself but that makes sense) and the very other end of skill specialization (eg surgery or doing the electric wiring in your house).
  14. No those things are hard (and surgery can hardly be done on oneself even by those skilled). But using experts for things that are relatively easy is a cop out.
  15. Showing up yes. Getting the trainer no not really. Just a form of monetary waste and intellectual and/or disciplinary laziness. Or do you think going to a restaurant instead of cooking yourself is discipline too? And that makes more sense cause making certain dishes can be really difficult to make and some ingredients cannot be bought (or not cost efficiently at least) in small amounts. I mean: sure if you know yourself and without the personal trainer you won't work out sufficiently and you dont feel like you can fix your discipline than sure, hire one (know thyself). But that's circumventing the consequences of your own lack of discipline rather than discipline itself.
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