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Everything posted by onyx1

  1. This is definitely very disturbing. I think people need to start asking the tough question. Why is it that after decades of left wing controlled public schools and universities, race relations are in a downward spiral? I think the answer is that the new left is extremely racist, and has been feeding racism for years and years. Of course there are racists on the right wing, but they have no intellectual impetus behind them. They are rightfully disgraced in the eyes of every thinking person. But on the left you see a real rise of self-righteous, intellectually motivated and justified racism. For example, you open New York Magazine and see the following article entitled "Another Way White Men are Ruining it for the Rest of Us". In what universe is that OK to publish? The same universe that you turn on your TV and see Samantha Bee blame "white people" for Trump. The same universe that it's OK for Hillary to chastise "white people" for not listening, and for Bernie Sanders to apologize for things he never did, but people of his skin color once did. The same universe where this child , and is praised for it. What could be more disturbing than teaching a helpless child to feel guilt for things that he has no choice about, to feel guilty for the color of his skin and his lot in life, in essence, to feel guilt for his existence? This is exactly what I was taught in school, at the university level. Self hatred by white people, particularly white men, is thought of as a moral virtue- something that should be praised. Why would one expect that teaching children of every race that white people are immoral because of their skin color will make people more color blind? I think what you should expect to get is exactly what we see- growing resentment between races. People should be speaking out against this stuff as ardently as they speak out against the disgusting stuff you see from the racist right. This guy predicts things will improve: "Prediction: In four years opinion surveys will show Americans LESS racist, homophobic, and sexist. (Watch and learn.)" - Scott Adams
  2. If I could proactively plan out my life and the entire world around me I would too.
  3. Ramdon, You might be 100% correct. So might Ackman. No one really knows. But that wasn't my point. Ackman's reaction to the the election setback (and the journalist's incredulousness) is what I see as worth noting. It's a perfect example of the old saying that "Success isn't determined by what happens, but rather how you react to what happens."
  4. Setup: Bill Ackman was not a Trump supporter. Andrew Ross Sorkin, a left leaning ideologue journalist, asks Ackman about the election. Sorkin expects Ackman to trash Trump. Watch Sorkins' head explode as Ackman explains why he feels Trump is good for investors, and America. Ackman's response is typical of very successful people. Not bitter. Not angry. Not pessimistic. Failure & setback are fuel for further success. Buffett wannabes take note: Hillary-supporting Buffett will have a similar response to Trump's election.
  5. This is what decent people do, admit the defeat and move on. I doubt it if Trump would have done that. Appears to me you haven't either.
  6. Oh I see what you are saying. They don't have the strength of the character to say what they believe in. Too ashamed to admit. Strength of character? Ashamed? I don't believe so. A large part of the electorate that voted Trump was fed up with the leftist bullies. Trump supporters avoided bumper stickers because they didn't want their car vandalized. Why would they admit to supporting Trump knowing they would be labeled racist, sexist, xenophobe, stupid, uneducated, poor, deplorable, immoral, and unredeemable jackasses? It's not worth it. Talk softly, vote bigly. Bullies lose.
  7. Other pluses I see: Gene Sperling out of the picture. Smaller chance judges will fear executive branch intimidation for ruling against government. Fresh start with no administrative misdeeds to hide gives Trump flexibility. Any ruling being held until after election are now clear for release. Perry appeal? Trump is deal & transaction oriented, and he responds to money. Sale of warrants might prove irresistible. Minuses: Corker is influential and has been floated as potential SoS. Republicans in general have bought the Big Lie that GSEs are evil and must go.
  8. I just think it's too bad that the man who could sell himself so well and understand how to tap into the electorate's emotional hooks was someone of low character. Low character became unimportant with Bill Clinton.
  9. Maybe it's these guys? 23 Celebrities Said They'll Leave The Country If Trump Win http://townhall.com/tipsheet/catherinedunn/2016/11/09/these-10-celebrities-say-theyll-leave-the-country-if-trump-is-elected-n2215391
  10. Scott Adams nailed it. He also completely changed how I view the world. Big learning experience for me.
  11. "Media which got everything wrong will now tell you all the things that will happen as a result of the thing they said wouldn't happen." - Dave Rubin
  12. Ichan could explain the best course of action in 5 minutes to Trump. A win-win-win for all. 1. Reverse NWS 2. Use proceeds to pay down Sr. preferred 3. Release from conservatorship. 4. Set course for recapitalization. 5. Enjoy UST windfall by selling govt warrants for $100-200 billion.
  13. Parsad, there isn't a mean bone in your body!
  14. The work starts tomorrow.
  15. I am in no way shape or form a Trump supporter but I believe the attitude expressed above is the most salient reason that gave rise to Trump and Trump-ism. The sort of attitude prevalent among American I guess I'll call them "elites" for lack of a better word whose sort of attitude is "let the smart people figure it out for the masses and we'll tell you what we've decided." The institutions of the elites in the United States - the government, academia, the media that seemingly only represents this elite worldview - seem to continuously expand their reach with the aim to dictate how people are supposed to think, their attitudes, how their resources should be spent, how much of their paycheck people are allowed to keep, etc. You can see it in people in the media's attitude about Trump, "How dare you even think about voting for him?" [i didn't vote for him, but that elitist attitude is grating.] So it is not surprising that a backlash to elitism took hold. In the 1980s, the music scene was dominated by Bon Jovi, Poison - hair bands - men with hairsprayed heads and skin tights pants. So in the early 1990s, grunge took hold. Quite literally the opposite. Rather than skintight leather tights, Kurt Cobain rocked shirts with holes in them. The elitist attitude that has taken hold in so many American institutions gave rise to Trump, just the way that hair bands gave rise to grunge. So this was simply to spite the elite? Well done. Cheers! The entrenched elite have been preaching to 95 million unemployed American workers that the economy's on solid footing. They rattle off statistics and boast an unemployment rate "lowest in over a decade". If you can't understand why someone out of a full time job for the last 5 years wouldn't be fed up with the condescension, then the results of this election haven't sunk in yet.
  16. It's what they do.
  17. It's never a good idea to underestimate the USA.
  18. Bret Baier reports the latest news about the Clinton Foundation investigation from two sources inside the FBI. He reveals five important new pieces of information in these two short clips: 1. The Clinton Foundation investigation is far more expansive than anybody has reported so far and has been going on for more than a year. 2. The laptops of Clinton aides Cherryl Mills and Heather Samuelson have not been destroyed, and agents are currently combing through them. The investigation has interviewed several people twice, and plans to interview some for a third time. 3. Agents have found emails believed to have originated on Hillary Clinton's secret server on Anthony Weiner's laptop. They say the emails are not duplicates and could potentially be classified in nature. 4. Sources within the FBI have told him that an indictment is "likely" in the case of pay-for-play at the Clinton Foundation, "barring some obstruction in some way" from the Justice Department. 5. FBI sources say with 99% accuracy that Hillary Clinton's server has been hacked by at least five foreign intelligence agencies, and that information had been taken from it. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/11/02/fbi_sources_tell_fox_news_indictment_likely_in_clinton_foundation_case.html The DOJ has publicly committed to accept the recommendation of the FBI in Clinton email investigation.
  19. And no, I don't have to respect people's choices when they are bad choices. When it comes to corruption and lies there are actually metrics and facts they can look at. Here's corruption and lies metric: Which candidate is under criminal investigation by the FBI with a highly likely indictment forthcoming? Clinton ...... YES Trump ....... NO It appears to be multiple investigations - the misuse of classified information (email server) and the Foundation. And if your choice of media is CNN, you wouldn't even know it.
  20. And no, I don't have to respect people's choices when they are bad choices. When it comes to corruption and lies there are actually metrics and facts they can look at. Here's corruption and lies metric: Which candidate is under criminal investigation by the FBI with a highly likely indictment forthcoming? Clinton ...... YES Trump ....... NO
  21. Human beings in general are screwed up in the head. Politics may just be the place where this shows up most. Spot on. Humans aren't close to being rational, but they are universally certain it's just the other guy who is irrational. Once you understand this, you become the One-Eyed King in the land of the blind.
  22. Speak for yourself, Speech Policeman. I appreciate DTE's anecdotal evidence. I too have found DTE's thoughts to be useful for many years! +1 +1 Why are you guys so rude? Chapter One of the left's playbook: "If you can't refute the message, attack the messenger."
  23. Oh well this election is over. Some dude in Detroit saw a rally of women, Gave them a grade on looks and class scale and is convinced Trump's crowd is high energy. While you are over there in Detroit, do you mind visiting the car companies and let us know how do they look energywise ? I'm getting more than a little tired of the tone of discussion on this & other threads. I am reporting on something that I saw....something I've never seen before for any candidate in any election. Maybe things are different in your corner of the world. It is fine if you disagree....that makes a discussion. I can do without the snarkiness & sarcasm. I am about ready to leave this board far behind... Go ahead. You won't be missed. Speak for yourself, Speech Policeman. I appreciate DTE's anecdotal evidence.
  24. Probably applies to pollster's questions as well.
  25. God, what assholes. The harder they fight it, the more likely it's damning to the Government's case. I suspect Document 19 is so damning that they are waiting on an occupant of a house on Pennsylvania Avenue to give instructions on how to proceed.
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