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Everything posted by hyten1

  1. liberty thank you didn't see the other thread
  2. http://www.cnbc.com/id/47559783 amazing...
  3. bvh i hear ya :)
  4. bvh, i don't think car manufacture are quite the same as airline and shoe manufacturer hy
  5. wow, i can't believe, the first time a position that i own, was speculated to be bought by WEB :) but i do remember WEB talk about GM in one of the interviews long time ago, say how moat can disappear and he use GM as an example
  6. wow 50% cash!
  7. mranski hmm i can't seem to find this in td waterhouse, were can you get 1.3%? hy
  8. i added some in the high 7s have not add since... its tough to.
  9. folks how would regular folks make a bet that has similar characteristic as these greek cds? same amount of payout potential?
  10. its sad what this have come down to so i guess when someone disagrees with you, the best reply is to "you should X then shut up" buffett is arguing for higher taxes for certain segment of the population. it almost like saying "christie you think people are paying too much tax, why don't you just not pay and shut up"
  11. eric i admire your usage of options i have very limited knowledge of option or use it much. hy
  12. will contact him would like to know the details i have over 15% annualized return over 9 yrs and i don't have 400% of gain :)
  13. folks this might sound naive 400% return what does that mean? what is his annualized return? does that mean if he has 80mil aum that means 20mil is the starting point? would like to know the annuazlied return #, going from 20mil to 80mil can be done in many different ways (1 awesome 2011 year?) not saying that is the case, just wondering what his annuazlied return is, just saying 400 AUM is not complete
  14. now what's next after bac :)
  15. up 15%+ so far in 2012
  16. eric you can find all these .. green grocer and a "chemist" (pharmacy) a butcher, a baker, etc... only they are all in separate independent store in manhattan nyc and they are all on the same street too hy
  17. hmm how did you get it so low? its at $1 now my bad i was looking at jan 14 :)
  18. home many of you would initiate/add to an existing position in BAC today as oppose to 1 month ago when it was $2 cheaper i know you should judge it from the fundamentals, but it is very difficult knowing it was just $5 1 month ago
  19. down 6%
  20. racemize yeah i hear ya, i guess i was looking for more specific on which subscription which they offer are people using http://valueline.com/Products/ i am looking at: The Value Line Investment Survey The Value Line Investment Survey - Small and Mid-Cap The Value Line Research Center It seems like The Value Line Research Center has all the other subscriptions data just not in a nice to read report format? not sure if anyone has experience with the above 3 subscriptions? hy
  21. 100 bagger too tough lets try 5 to 10 bagger
  22. folks few of you mention valueline, which product/service/subscription are you guys refering to? hy
  23. same here, all over the place
  24. i also think one very important point is the rise of india and china. the supply of lower skill labor has increase tremendously due to india, china and varies other countries what happens when supply increase that out pace demand, the price drops
  25. parker how can that be 1% is 700b? the entire US gdp is about 17 trillion per yr
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