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Everything posted by hyten1

  1. personally i think 10mil is the right # for me, with a decent mount of margin of safety
  2. welcome i think another aspect you should look into in addition to the technical aspect (valuation, understanding financials etc etc) is the psychological aspect of investing, figureing out what type of person you are, what your tendencies are, what to do when fear/greed grips you (and knowing when to recognize them) i find this aspect very important also on par with the technical aspect of investing
  3. harrylong hmmm, i don't see how proper risk control is the ultimate form of humility you can have all the risk control in the word, but be arrogant, rude, put down others etc. hy
  4. for me this is a hits biz, this type of biz i would need larger than usual amount of margin of safety
  5. for me nflx vs amzn i would rather own amzn as a biz both has very high valuation (i guess depends on your definition of high)
  6. i don't know enought about this industry i am alwasy curious why hasn't amazon gotten into the nflx game, not the dvd mailing one but the subscription online streaming one. right now you can already download/watch online call kinds of movie/tv show on amzn, but its just too expensive. i would like for amzn to have some short of subscription model that allow me watch whatever i want also i have sense stop using itunes (i hat itunes, the software etc etc). I bought my music from amzn, not only is it mp3, its just so much easier and not tie to me down to itunes.
  7. haven't done much research, why is cash flow so low?
  8. personally i find garmin interseting... however at this moment i would like to have a bigger margin of safety
  9. i think everyone has good points, for me its pretty simple do i see things getting better anytime soon (i believe in muddle through economy)? i don't so why buy now... unless its ridiculously valued. i also tend to like investment with a catalyst/special situation hyten1
  10. thx myth465 missed that thread :)
  11. was wondering what is everyone's take on for profit educational companies i.e. COCO this sector is being decimated due to regulatory overhang
  12. networth is good and call. but i rather have positive cash flow that equal and exceed my current expenses. for me networth is secondary to cash flow.
  13. this is definitely interesting ... however i am still learning and reading up on this. I skeptic in mean can't help buy wonder and try to understand the advantages of MCF's corporate structure. they basically outsource everything (to say the company has only 7 employee is technically correct). So their competitive advantage is their corp structure (outsource things, and have the incentives be the potential for success of their activities). If this is the case why aren't others doing the same? Could it be because it fits the energy exploration biz, or is it because no one has thought of it or is it because something else? still reading... hy
  14. i person have invested in these type of business i.e. USMO, UNTD, ELNK etc i typically stay away from company with a lot of debt in this type of situations, time is not their friend so debt can kill them
  15. cardboard, i don't know the entire story regarding internet tax. but i do know that when i buy stuff from amazon (I live in nyc) i do have to pay sales tax hy
  16. 38% or so, can't seem to find many great values i can find many decent ones, but are waiting/looking for the fat pitch
  17. hmmm, i guess i don't quite understand the appeal of sonc as an investment i understand people mention the cost advantage, if its there, it hasn't shown up in the performance of the company (maybe the management if not doing what it should be, maybe that is part of the appeal, someone come in and clean house) with large amount of debt what is the appeal? i just don't see the appeal when you have some many other in the industry that just seem to have a lot more going for it
  18. claphands22 can't you do what you said with yahoo finance? hy
  19. i just find it funny, people always look for data to support their theories. its funny how the same set of strategies didn't work so well for apple in the desktop world for a very long time (you can argue if its working now or not). apple almost went out of biz. now that apple is on top, everything they do is right and perfect. at the end of the day which strategy is the better one. it probably depends on the time/market/industry/situation highly vertical/close system/proprietary vs horizontal/open system
  20. EAT vs RRGB what does people think of EAT vs RRGB? one major diff, EAT doesn't have any activist investor
  21. eric just want to put this out there, you are assuming 2009 was a bull market while 2008 and 2007 is bear market? are we in bear or bull market? are you saying everytime market is up, buffett is up less and everytime market is down buffett is down less? as far as i can recollect (my memory is bad) i don't think buffett is always up less then market when market is up and down less when market is down hy
  22. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Lu LL Investment Partners, LP
  23. people have a link to li lu's sec filings?
  24. well i haven't bought anything yet, still waiting for the right price/moment some of the stock i would buy if it hit my price wdc, tpx, gs, ccme, goog, aapl, ggp
  25. http://www.smckids.com
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