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Everything posted by longlake95

  1. great idea, wrong time. I'll lever up during the next recession.
  2. Sculpin, Have you seen this provision? or is it something that was mentioned on the BNN segment? I'm asking because I took a rapid look at the prospectus, and it does not seem to be the case (limited to winding down of business.) I'd much prefer being wrong here, so do not hesitate to point out if I misread or missed something altogether. And thank you for the opportunity in the first place. Edit: Missed the "If" in Sculpin's post, so I think I have my answer. I probably should also point out that they seem to be able to recall the prefs only every five years. Again let me know if I err, not that familiar with preferred shares. He's wrong about the change of control because of the fact that they are only selling a 30% owned subsidiary (Richardson GMP). In any case there is also no change of control for these preferreds either if GMP Capital were to be sold or merged or whatever (one of the weaknesses of Cdn prefs that I would like to see changed) --- Look at what happened to the Capstone preferreds and the Rona ones. I pointed this out a couple of posts ago. Surprised that a hedge fund portfolio manager would go on TV, make this his top pick and have such a cursory knowledge of what he owns. Any comments or corrections to my understanding of this? This same guy also said Reitmans is going into the gas station business....hmmm... ??? ???
  3. Is that a Guiness I see in the background? You should be enjoying that! LOL.
  4. EFN.TO @ 13.40- we are not far from the split - then Hudson puts the $220M from INFOR to work with an acquisition.
  5. I think I'm finally giving up on Yahoo Finance( ya, ya, most of you probably dumped Yahoo a long time ago, LOL) - the new format stinks - laced with ads and useless articles and video clips. Thinking of moving to Google finance. What do you use as a homepage where you can start the day with a look at the markets and news?
  6. No bubble yet, i think... we still haven't seen the euphoria days, where people are quitting their jobs to start day trading. My classic indicator of a bubble is friends talking stocks and flight attendants giving me stock tips...were not there yet. I'll post here when it happens. https://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thegoldandoilguy.com%2Farticles%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2012%2F11%2FStages-for-AAPL.png&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mining.com%2Fthe-golden-nugget-that-makes-traders-wealthy-trading-aapl-rimm-and-gold-stocks-89503%2F&docid=ubaeImOOBOxB9M&tbnid=J8SsQwogheoFTM%3A&w=600&h=395&client=safari&bih=672&biw=1024&ved=0ahUKEwjgvs2okfjNAhWG44MKHV4ZD1kQMwgbKAAwAA&iact=mrc&uact=8
  7. Not totally sure, but I think I remember reading a piece about Zacks. It mentioned zacks article are computer generated. I totally ignore them. LL
  8. appoint Sal Kahn to run department of education. done.
  9. Well, I guess two of us own VALE! LOL. Talk about out of favour!
  10. Health, family, friends, DQ and COBF ;)
  11. I'm still full weight in PWT. Holding.....
  12. Some news on PWT Another thing for the new team to deal with... http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/industry-news/energy-and-resources/penn-west-board-faces-allegations-of-stock-option-manipulation/article18978771/ http://online.barrons.com/news/articles/SB50001424053111904651304579602611121996496?mod=yahoobarrons&ru=yahoo LL D: very long
  13. re: PWE/PWT Leaps I've already got a good size position in PWT. I'm not too up to speed on leaps. Are you referring to the Jan 2016's ($7)? So, are they almost in-the-money (7+2.40ish = 9.40 vs. stock price of 9ish USD)? PWE is still cheap, the LEAPs seem to be a no-brainer way to add more torque to a position in the common? So the only downside is a stock price below 9.40ish in Jan 2016?
  14. the cabin can depressurize in seconds, if it's a rapid D, such as a outflow valve failure. Or over a period of minutes if u have a slow leak in the hull or an air conditioning problem. When you start a emergency descent due to loss of the cabin press., you normally catch the cabin (where cabin alt meets aircraft alt) around 20,000ft. If you are all wondering, the oxygen generators in cabin normally supply around 20 mins of oxy. Of course that may vary a little depending on aircraft type. The flight deck normally has around 1200 psi of O2, which would give 2 users 45 mins or so. You cant open cabin dorrs in flight, they are plug type doors. As for transponder: it has several modes which are used for various situations. You want to be able to turn it off, especially on the ground because it clutters the ground controllers scope, if they are using ASDE - airport surface detection equipment. You also want to be able to turn it off and reset it, like any electronic device, it sometimes need a ctrl-alt-del.
  15. I look at it a little different - but the same round about idea. I avoid wasteful/dumb financial decisions that I see low NW compounders make. For example, how many friends do you have that would spend 1 week researching a new washer and dryer or TV to save $100. I figure i'm much further ahead to focus on investing, where reading a handful of 10-K's over that week could make (or lose >:() me thousands not hundreds of $$$. I bought my last car, a Nissan Altima, in literally 5 mins of visiting the car lot. Even if the dealer "soaked" me for an extra $500, cuz I didn't haggle, I'm still waayy ahead by finding 2 or 3 good investment ideas per year. Our low NW compounder friends, who aren't interested in investing, should spend time on making money in their chosen profession ( or learning to make good financial decisions) , in stead of researching the new TV for a week. Just my two bits....
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