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  1. Ulti


    https://www.calculatedriskblog.com/2025/02/yoy-measures-of-inflation-services.html?m=1 I have to respectfully disagree…. I think there are several good sources of finance and economics that have no agenda.. Calculatedrisk blog seems one
  2. Ulti


    https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2025/02/11/democrats-tricked-strong-economy-00203464?fbclid=IwY2xjawIgQqRleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHRAhfBmBwYrwpLm5p-TbhGzxXjD5W26RR4AxC2vQfsiMBNu-ZCgeYofvRA_aem_w-n5nj2efKxGZjVtMwjexQ Eugene Ludwig is chair of the Ludwig Institute for Shared Economic Prosperity and former U.S. Comptroller of the Currency. He is author of The Vanishing American Dream: A Frank Look at the Economic Realities Facing Low- and Middle-Income Americans.
  3. https://www.bizjournals.com/denver/news/2025/02/11/boulder-oil-companies-colorado-supreme-court.html Ive been thinking ( and talking my own book) … That Kruger at the last meeting basically said his company SU is approx 65% isolated from tariffs… With tobaccoesque shit like the the Boulder suit and increased pipeline capacity….Why not just say f’ it . Don’t export to the USA… midwestern states would be screwed but company and Canada would be fine ?
  4. After reading the article it seems like both parties are more inclined to build pipelines? And if so this will take a few years?
  5. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/trump-s-threats-and-statehood-taunts-reset-race-to-lead-canada/ar-AA1z6LMq SD is the above article accurate?
  6. Between the Amy Janzwood negative article about pipelines and the Enbridge CEO interview on their history with the government and pipelines….both in the Globe and Mail….I don’t think that Canada will be able to thrive with more Trudeau… The country needs income from natural resources in order to prosper …JMO
  7. And the odds at your end…. Is the current guy Trudeau and his party getting any bounce? Or can we expect to see a more conservative and rational leader…… that would make me look more closely at something like OBE… it looks like their reserves are increasing across the board… do they also have access to the pipeline for their heavy oil business?
  8. SD ….. I notice you don’t mention gold… any opinion? And I do own SU which I think will do well with the new pipeline up and running
  9. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/macro-voices/id1079172742?i=1000691908224 https://www.macrovoices.com/1392-macrovoices-467-jim-bianco-the-mar-a-lago-accords An interesting podcast with Jim Bianco, talking about the three prong Mar-a-Lago approach. One is the use of tariffs, two is a sovereign wealth fund, and three is a transactional relationship with those who own US debt. Bonds held by by countries should be exchanged with a zero coupon century bond that pays no interest. This would bring the debt and interest on our debt down . In return. These countries will continue to get for lack of a better term …. Pax Americana. No more free ride for military support and cooperation… hopefully I’ve interpret this right.
  10. +1….just finished season two last night. Very entertaining
  11. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/we-study-billionaires-the-investors-podcast-network/id928933489?i=1000689802509 Interview with Lawrence Cunningham on the value of trust base cultures and organizations and how Buffett has used this over the years…touches on Constellation organization and briefly on Berkshires 300 billion $
  12. https://www.eia.gov/uranium/marketing/ we import 27% of our uranium from Canada… I wonder how tariffs will affect the us effort to upgrade our weapons and build our nuclear plants for data centers
  13. G…actions speak lower than words…. If you are talking about the current Republican Party.. I feel they are playing “hide the pea” shell game.. While everyone is raving about tariffs, federal employees and illegal immigrants ( oh my) …. https://www.msn.com/en-us/politics/government/ar-AA1yfDuU and you can find many other articles about the politicization of the mechanics of treasury payments. Why…. It’s kinda like Steve Bannons thing on flooding the zone… Do a bunch of shit. as quick as possible and then do what you really want …. Like every other party; take power…… And you might consider me a total old nut job; but I don’t see these Trumpicans leaving in 4 years no matter what actions they take… Flip side of the coin ….. Watch Trudeau become a Canadian hero for standing up to Trump over the next few months haha Like a prop up for Biden
  14. https://kiowacountypress.net/content/colorado-among-states-could-be-hardest-hit-trump-tariffs-canadian-oil
  15. And why less tariffs on China than Canada? https://paulkrugman.substack.com/p/why-has-trump-gone-soft-on-china
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