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Junior R

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  1. I think the IPO is due to some back and forth with government as stated on the call...Eventually will get sorted out and if it trades 10%+ above value on balance sheet it should give a good gain
  2. Asia you could pretty much find something for $500 to $1200 cad a month....better fruits and vegetables Sydney and nz is nice but rent is higer
  3. good to see them adding more to portfolio ...Need the IPO to close the gap to book value
  4. @MMM20 Nice...How do you fund your day to day expenses? Do you use dividends / bonds / sell stocks? What was your compounded rate before when you had a job? Was it less then 25-30%
  5. lol good one its interesting number of people who do not maximize there tfsa
  6. @Viking Nice post what stocks did you own in 1999 during .com bubble? Which of the 3 bear markets was your best one? I think 2020 since you were fully in cash and that's when mr market gave us all a good opportunity on FFH 20% cagr over the 25 years is wonderful
  7. all time high hit today again
  8. Biggest buys APO, FFH, FIH.U, NKE, STLC STLC was biggest buy before buyout lol
  9. @dealraker what did you own in this account before shifting strategies?
  10. @dealraker so 30k invested in 1994 is now $1,578,273.42? What stocks do you hold in the IRA or is it the ones you stated above
  11. Its not really bad if you sell a stock at a price you no longer will buy it for (given you did some calculation to say its overvalued at that price)...Only bad thing would be if you calculated the intrinsic value incorrectly and the stock shots up For me I will revisit my thesis when FFH gets to 1.2x book value..If things work the way we expect it to work..This might take awhile as the book value will keep out pacing the stock price unless the crowd jumps in lol Someone correct me if the historical price is wrong or any splits BKB.B CAGR over 20 years 11.36% Price in August 2004: $57.62 Price in August 2024: $448.77 FFH.TO 11.81% (not accounting for dividends) Price in August 2004: $183.00 Price in August 2024: $1,540.93 QQQ 16.38% (not accounting for Dividends) Price in August 2004: $33.06 Price in August 2024: $481.27 SPY 8.55% (not accounting for Dividends) Price in August 2004: $108.52 Price in August 2024: $559.61 Over the last 20 years FFH has slightly out performed BKB.B excluding dividends I think for the next 1 to 5 years FFH will out preform
  12. Would add if they pay dividend ..Undervalued company
  13. the stock price...it was under $1450 just a week ago
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