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Everything posted by Hektor

  1. Interesting point in the YouTube video posted by @Phoenix01. Why were these questions not raised by the short seller during one of the previous conference calls. ?May be they discovered these “issues” after the last conference call Before going public, did the short seller approach Fairfax for a response to these “findings’? What was their response?
  2. I am too
  3. I hope he doesn't
  4. Thank you @TwoCitiesCapital
  5. IF the share price tanks, what is the impact on (of) TRS?
  6. Apologies @Hoodlum, Did not see your post before I posted the yahoo finance link.
  7. I hope the shares go back to trading in the 700s
  8. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/fairfax-responds-short-seller-report-144800552.html Fairfax Responds to Short Seller Report
  9. Also, the game of tariffs and avoiding tarrifs https://www.wsj.com/economy/trade/a-china-u-s-decoupling-you-aint-seen-nothing-yet-12c0828e?mod=hp_lead_pos6 https://archive.is/E3ysM A China-U.S. Decoupling? You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet Tariffs haven’t reduced U.S. trade links with China much. Would a 60% rate do it?
  10. And this doesn't make it any easier for China, I think. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/07/business/economy/united-states-china-mexico-trade.html For First Time in Two Decades, U.S. Buys More From Mexico Than China The United States bought more goods from Mexico than China in 2023 for the first time in 20 years, evidence of how much global trade patterns have shifted.
  11. Thank you @glider3834. This is a good one.
  12. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-02-06/xi-set-to-discuss-china-stock-market-with-financial-regulators?srnd=premium
  13. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/05/business/us-treasury-officials-china-visit.html Top U.S. Treasury Officials to Visit Beijing for Economic Talks A meeting of the new economic working group comes as the U.S. and China are trying to prevent any escalation of hostilities. The Biden administration is dispatching a high-level delegation of Treasury Department officials to Beijing this week for a round of economic talks as the world’s largest economies look to continue engagement efforts that President Biden and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, agreed to pursue last year.
  14. “Apple, Mondelez and Procter & Gamble are bullish on consumer spending growth in China despite recent economic turmoil there” https://archive.is/zYXpE Snippets from the article: “We’ve been in China for 30 years, and I remain very optimistic about China over the long term,” Apple Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook told analysts “Jon Moeller, CEO of consumer-products company P&G, said during a recent earnings call that in early January he spent six days in China, where he met the company’s local employees and government officials and visited residents’ homes to talk about their buying habits. That experience bolstered his view that challenges in the market are temporary and that there would be opportunities to expand the company’s business in the years ahead.”
  15. Thanks @Gmthebeau. Could the lack of existing home also be driving the demand for new homes?
  16. Are the existing home sales falling because some of the owners are happy to sit on a low apr mortgage?
  17. I like this approach :)
  18. @KJP Out of curiosity, why Asbury? why at this price? Thanks,
  19. @maplevaluegood topic. @vinod1 Thanks for the insights. If/when the market goes down, wouldn’t the index also go down, reducing the amount available to deploy? How do you think about this when deciding not to hold cash when there is a lack of opportunity?
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