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  1. imo this would destroy trust over the long term leading to them being unable to raise (foreign) capital post snap shut
  2. China to lift restrictions on foreign capital - Chinadaily.com.cn Major plan aims to ensure stable A-share market have been increasing my investment in China significantly recently - Taiwan risk should be very low over the short to mid-term as the country is in the process of opening up (to foreign capital) would not be sensible to propagate an approach of opening up just before willfully ending it through the destruction of trust we seem to be facing major pumping
  3. The best book I've read this year. The author explains the nature of different categories of fraud, how and why they happen, and implicitly, how we can prevent them. In doing that, he uses many real world examples. ...And because some flaws in systems are too difficult to solve, some of those frauds are possible to carry out even after they led to major financial damages.
  4. great list!
  5. Bought some HURC today for MAs as well as TLF and ALCO for my PA. A few days ago, I opened a new position in MPAA.
  6. Great book from a very concentrated investor!
  7. Thanks for the recommendation! Will take a look now! Have only looked at a few cos there, but I found TopRight Nordic AB (TOPR), Clemondo (CLEM), New Nordic Healthbrands (NNH) and Piippo Oyj (PIIPPO.HE; just found it interesting because of the business model: baling net wraps and baling twines). No co met my hurdle rate though so no profound research. Currently looking into Eniro (ENRO) - could be pretty cheap if they get can get more than the 60m in net income for the pref divs.
  8. I think I scanned most of his posts as to that project but forgot about it...Thanks for bringing it back to my mind!
  9. What companies from the countries mentioned above do you consider as interesting (preferably sub 100m MC)?
  10. Thank you very much!!
  11. I want to compare financial reports with regard to specific disclosures and see how they changed over the years/quarters - e.g. the revenue recognition. Are there any (preferably cheap) alternatives to Calcbench you know of? Thank you for your help!
  12. i think insidearbitrage offers what you're looking for: InsideArbitrage – May the odds be with you
  13. my personal portfolio consists of NLS, GFG and AGAE/AESE NLS: benefited from covid but now extremely oversold + strategic alts (average USD 1.65) GFG: 110,5M EUR net cash & 1,7B EUR in sales (MC: 286M EUR) + could get profitable in 1-2 years (average 1,145 EUR) AGAE/AESE: 84M USD cash (burning 2-3M USD per quarter) vs MC of 45M USD + federal NOLs of about 60M USD + growing esports business (average 1,37 USD)
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