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Quest Management : How to Beat Warren Buffett?

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From Agora Vancouver 2012 Conference .



Great that you mention Doug Barnett (Quest Management) again. I once posted about him some intensive message thread at the old MSN BRK board years ago. He runs an outstanding asian hedge fund called "Thai Focused Equity Fund". Julian Robertson and George Soros were among his early investors, and currently, about 40% of his assets are actually the private accounts of other hedge fund managers.


Quest Management, Inc. -> Thai Focused Equity Fund



Also some good video interview with Doug Barnett




Berkshiremystery; Have you invested with Quest Management?


Nope,... I only remember now his name as it came up in the YouTube video,... Haven't researched him for years. But I definitely must have somewhere older URL links in my digital folder cabinet.



From Agora Vancouver 2012 Conference .



Quest Management, Inc. -> Thai Focused Equity Fund



Also some good video interview with Doug Barnett



Brkmystery ,thanks for the link.  Actually, I used to visit his website a few year ago.  He used to invest in some companies that I interested in.


Do you have a link to the old thread on MSN board about Doug Barnett ?


From Agora Vancouver 2012 Conference .



Quest Management, Inc. -> Thai Focused Equity Fund



Also some good video interview with Doug Barnett



Brkmystery ,thanks for the link.  Actually, I used to visit his website a few year ago.  He used to invest in some companies that I interested in.


Do you have a link to the old thread on MSN board about Doug Barnett ?


The old MSN BRK board was the predecessor board to this one here. Sanjeev was forced to close the old board, because Microsoft ceased this member feature some years ago. There is only some smaller back up version made by Sanjeev at: http://msnbrkboardarchive.multiply.com/

But I personally doubt that you find there all the old message threads. He probably kept only the most important threads about FFH & BRK.


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