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Buffett on Daily Show


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Ya this is one of the saner discussions lol, which is why I decided to throw my hat in, it also appears to be a discussion and not just everyone stating their ideology. This is a very simple problem, too many people are wedded to their ideology and its more about getting what you want and being pure vs. solving the fiscal issues facing this great nation.


These discussions have a very distinct process flow.


Buffett says something on taxes. It gets posted here. Many great fans of Buffett here say,


1 he is a hypocrite because of his tax breaks and tax avoidance,

2 he isnt giving proper care to double taxation or spending cuts

3 the old man was much better when he didnt comment on these things and he should stick to investing

4 the government spends too much and taxation is akin to physical rape


Debate ensues between liberals, libertarians, anarchists, and conservatives

Mostly along Ideological lines.

Hitler is eventually brought up.

Debate ends with no one having grown, learn, or changed their minds.


The process begins all over again when Buffett post another article or grants an interview and speaks on taxes.


I decided to clock out this year, but its so tough to stay away.......

Fun to watch though.

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Ha, and we come back full circle to the discussion on franking we had over two years ago.




Myth, what was that you said about this being debated ad nauseam in the past?



There is enough frustration over the government never making a decision to get me to bring it up again (out of frustration).


The Democrats seemingly could finally get one thing they want (keeping more jobs onshore) if they could just give the Republicans some of what they want (US onshore corporate income won't get taxed twice).


Instead they keep on trying all sorts of stimulus measures to get consumers to spend more, when part of the problem is that we already consume enough things that simply aren't produced here.  Can't they at least make it relatively more profitable to do more business in the US by dangling a carrot to the Republicans?  Maybe with more US jobs we'd need less unemployment benefits, and thus be part of the way to resolving "The Cliff".


It seems painfully clear to me that one big benefit to the Australian dividend franking system is that it only applies to Australian sourced corporate income.  An added incentive to not offshore your operations.

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