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What are you selling? Or doing to raise cash


I regret not selling my lower quality stuff, which is going down faster than what I am buying which are the high quality owner managers with cash.


Is it too late to sell these lower quality stocks like JOE, SHLD, SMED (all 2% or less of portfolio, so hardly worth it?)..I have held as I don t need to raise cash.

  • 7 months later...

Sold half my position in USB and BWLD, and sold my full position in DECK.


I'm in the highest % of cash I've been in in the last few years. Having a hard time finding things to buy.


Yesterday I sold a few positions, the first time in a while that I've sold anything.  I sold my entire position in Fibrek (FBKZF.PK) for $1.25.  My cost basis was just over $1.  I got tired of waiting for the outcome of the current situation to play itself out and with the worst possible outcome being $1/share and the best (that is on the table already) being under $1.30 I thought $1.25 was a good exit.    I also sold a quarter of my position in Red Robin (RRGB) for $35.96.  My cost basis is $18. 


I used the proceeds from both of those sales to buy some BAC and some BAC Jan-2014 calls.





I don't need to sell anything because I already sold some AIZ at $41, BBCN at $10, WIBC at $4, MHK at $63, all of RLI at $66, and some MTB under $82. Is there a hall of fame for horrible timing?


I don't need to sell anything because I already sold some AIZ at $41, BBCN at $10, WIBC at $4, MHK at $63, all of RLI at $66, and some MTB under $82. Is there a hall of fame for horrible timing?


lol. I kind of regret selling my RLI too, but I think that what I bought with the money is probably even better, so I should do well in the end. I still have a lot of love for that company, though, so maybe someday I'll own it again.


I'm selling out of BP, formerly my biggest position.


Those 0% credit card advance offers look interesting (4% fee then they jack up your outstanding balance to 18% in July 2013) to buy +4% yielding MLPs or mREITS but that is an impossible game to win.



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