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I ran across a reference to this fellow here  I believe. I think his story would make for one heck of a screenplay and he does seem to be someone who is worth listening to. This article in 2007 seems somewhat prescient?http://www.edwardothorp.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/2007Coastinterview-edwardothorp.pdf


I was led to Thorp over 13 years ago after my first casino trip to Reno. The 21 bug bit me and I ended up in a library gathering all of the card counting books. "Beat the Dealer" was a source of inspiration at the time in my pursuit to beat the house. My next trip to Vegas I pulled off a 10+ hour session playing $2 blackjack. I imagine no one would give a shit about you counting at a full $2 table. It's not like you'd be racking up any comps either. Was probably no more than $10-20 up. Card counting was an interesting challenge.


Casino games have taken way too much time off my life though.


He probably wrote "Beat the Dealer" when he was blacklisted from enough casinos in Vegas.



I was led to Thorp over 13 years ago after my first casino trip to Reno. The 21 bug bit me and I ended up in a library gathering all of the card counting books. "Beat the Dealer" was a source of inspiration at the time in my pursuit to beat the house. My next trip to Vegas I pulled off a 10+ hour session playing $2 blackjack. I imagine no one would give a shit about you counting at a full $2 table. It's not like you'd be racking up any comps either. Was probably no more than $10-20 up. Card counting was an interesting challenge.


Casino games have taken way too much time off my life though.


He probably wrote "Beat the Dealer" when he was blacklisted from enough casinos in Vegas.




Not at all.  The only successful card counters before Thorp published were a few who counted aces, a very important card for players because of the asymmetrical payout for a hand with a 10 + ace.   Las Vegas wasn't the only place where 21 was played.  Thorp could have kept his strategy mostly to himself, had he been so inclined, and continued to improve his game theory skills at the table instead of telling the whole world how to do it.


He probably didn't care much for the traveling then.


I remember hearing how Bill Gross was successful at card counting as well.


Bill and Ed are located near each other.  Bill has learned a lot from Ed about more than card counting.


I'm assuming you all know this already, but there is a great book if you aren't aware of it titled Fortune's Formula


Well worth reading if you haven't had a chance yet.

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