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(1) Realistically, NBG's credit rating can be no better than the sovereign; so a downgrade to junk

(2) With junk ratings NBG can't access global markets without a higher rated sponsor; so why would there not be all kinds of writedown surprizes, & indirect EU guarantees, over the next little while? 

(3) At its 2.60 low NBG had lost roughly 68% of its value in 6 months, yet today (3.38) its 30% above that low?; risk isn't being priced in. 


Against that .... a very useful TSX listing with pricing in USD

Lots of possibility here, but not until the knives stop falling





Interesting AR. Notable is the practice of taking deposits from customers, guaranteeing the principal & stated return, then investing the proceeds in greek government bonds. Ordinarily the bank would make a healthy spread - but if the bonds ever took a haircut ... its NBG's problem & not the customers.


Pg 39 shows assets by rating. If most of their assets move down one category (probable), they also have a material hit on their regulatory capital. Either they get more equity (dilution) or they start foreclosing (writedowns)



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