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Hi, I am trying really hard to find a way to source information to try and imitate the cigar butts approach but I'm having a really hard time doing so.

I tried using online screeners such as yahoo finance, google finance, and finviz. the first two data is really bad and includes many companies that are no longer around (due to bankruptcy or going private) so lot's of false positives that really slow me down and makes the hole experience really bad. finviz data is much better but not all companies are on there for some reason so false negatives here (Probably the stocks that are not listed on finviz are the most interesting ones since the are literally "under the radar") and I also tried using the SEC latest reporting page (https://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?company=&CIK=&type=10-Q&owner=include&count=100&action=getcurrent) but it is also a bad experience since you can only see a max number of reports (100) it will also not always shows you all of them (selecting 100 listings today will only produce 43 of them) and if I happen to miss a day bad luck since it's history now.


Any tips on how can I source information the way Buffett did with those moody's manuals ?


Really appreciate any help guys :)


Wait until oddballstocks comments in this thread or just PM him.  8)

Then buy him a beer and you'll get all the scoop on the data sources.  8)



This message was not paid for by oddballstocks or anyone else.



Wait until oddballstocks comments in this thread or just PM him.  8)

Then buy him a beer and you'll get all the scoop on the data sources.  8)



This message was not paid for by oddballstocks or anyone else.




Hi, I am trying really hard to find a way to source information to try and imitate the cigar butts approach but I'm having a really hard time doing so.

I tried using online screeners such as yahoo finance, google finance, and finviz. the first two data is really bad and includes many companies that are no longer around (due to bankruptcy or going private) so lot's of false positives that really slow me down and makes the hole experience really bad. finviz data is much better but not all companies are on there for some reason so false negatives here (Probably the stocks that are not listed on finviz are the most interesting ones since the are literally "under the radar") and I also tried using the SEC latest reporting page (https://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?company=&CIK=&type=10-Q&owner=include&count=100&action=getcurrent) but it is also a bad experience since you can only see a max number of reports (100) it will also not always shows you all of them (selecting 100 listings today will only produce 43 of them) and if I happen to miss a day bad luck since it's history now.


Any tips on how can I source information the way Buffett did with those moody's manuals ?


Really appreciate any help guys :)


I use screener.co. There are still false positives.


I usually have a list in a spreadsheet of net nets from screener.co. I go down the list one at a time. Look up their current financials at the investor relations website or edgar/sedar, look up any news on the company (prnnewswire/IR website/google news), market price. And I go down the list stock by stock. You really only need a screener to filter stocks out. Once you have done that my view is that its best to get data directly from their financials and just go stock by stock.

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