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I find seekingalpha good for following current/watch investments. You set up your portfolio of names and they have a feed of news related to those companies. News being company press releases, seekingalpha editor comments (reposts of relevant news, which are helpful), and seekingalpha user articles (mostly junk, but sometimes good depending on author). They also have a calendar of earnings dates for those companies (actual dates once the company has announced dates. They don't do estimated dates). You can have it email you digests too i think but I check it enough (probably too much) that I don't have that setup.


I use the Flipboard app on my phone.


I put in my interests & the names of companies I follow & then flip through the results.


Twitter is good if you follow the right people  ;)


I agree completely on Yahoo (Finance news & forums (now conversations) are worthless.)


I've made literally thousands of posts trying to talk intelligently about companies & get shouted down by wiggle watchers & posters looking for anonymous individuals to tell them what the price of xxx will be tomorrow (most posters can price everything but value nothing.)


I finally deleted my account after repeated attempts to sway people towards reason, turned into teasing a bunch of dewshy day traders (an addmitedly guilty pleasure...)


(Haven't wasted any more time at Yahoo since...)


I use Seeking Alpha as well as google news alerts (https://www.google.com/alerts) which I setup to load automatically into my RSS reader Feedly which is similar to flipboard I think.  You can also have the google alerts email you a list of stories instead of creating an RSS feed for you if you prefer. I agree Yahoo is worse than useless for anything at all now (I deleted my account as well).  And I'm not willing to pay for FT.



TS I usually don't have a specific news feed i go to, if i am researching a company ill start with google and go from there.



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