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Good Administrator and Audit/Accountant recommendation for Small Hedge Fund

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We are opening the fund up to outside investors after a year as an incubator fund.


One we open, our profile will be:


AUM: $5-$10M

Clients:  5-10, all "qualified clients" in multiple US states


We intend to charge a low annual maintenance fee of 1% to cover basic running costs (No salary).


Does anyone know of good, reasonably priced Administrator and Audit/Accountant for a small fund with low annual maintenance fees.


Anyone doing the administration part in-house by themselves ? What are the ways to keep costs low ?


Suggestions and recommendations would be appreciated.


I did see some older posts about fund administrator below $1000/month but didn't see any names mentioned ....


any names that do a good job for small funds ?


We use Patke (taxes/audit) and LICCAR (administration).  We were copying several other people that had good experiences with them.  They were among the cheapest of anyone we looked at and are good to small funds (we are $3.5 million at this point).


We are opening the fund up to outside investors after a year as an incubator fund.


One we open, our profile will be:


AUM: $5-$10M

Clients:  5-10, all "qualified clients" in multiple US states


We intend to charge a low annual maintenance fee of 1% to cover basic running costs (No salary).


Does anyone know of good, reasonably priced Administrator and Audit/Accountant for a small fund with low annual maintenance fees.


Anyone doing the administration part in-house by themselves ? What are the ways to keep costs low ?


Suggestions and recommendations would be appreciated.


I've been fine with the two providers I use: Kathryn Yulish for admin, and Richey May for audit/tax.






Yulish charges me $500/ month for admin.


Richey May charges me $8500 annual for audit and tax.


Hope that helps.


Thank you for all the feedback:


Here is what we have so far from various sources in case someone needs this info in the future.  This is for small funds.




Tower Securities

Yulish associates

Opus fund services

Stonegate global

Michael Liccar




Richey May

Spencer Jefferies



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