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Given that Sanj has entered the next phase of his career with Premier Diversified Holdings, do we want to request that a separate section be set up to discuss PDH (as we do with FFH and BRK)?  I for one would find it easier to keep track of what is going on at PDH......just a thought





There is a thread for it in the investment ideas section.


There is a thread for it in the investment ideas section.


Having its own section would make it easier to discuss various issues, example the Russell Breweries takeover, by allowing each issue its own thread rather than having one thread for everything.  Many of us are invested in PDH and i am guessing it will be a popular topic as Sanj grows the company.....





I don't think it's really necessary at this time.  The past year has mainly been about bringing the company away from the brink and setting a foundation for the future.  Not much is really discussed in the current PDH thread other then people in the US trying to figure out which broker to use to buy shares.


Some great insights in that thread but until the company starts having more news flow I think the existing thread is just fine.


Besides, I don't plan on nit picking every single thing the company does and really don't care about what time everyone's lunch break is  :)


I don't think it's really necessary at this time.  The past year has mainly been about bringing the company away from the brink and setting a foundation for the future.  Not much is really discussed in the current PDH thread other then people in the US trying to figure out which broker to use to buy shares.


Some great insights in that thread but until the company starts having more news flow I think the existing thread is just fine.


Besides, I don't plan on nit picking every single thing the company does and really don't care about what time everyone's lunch break is  :)


I would suggest that CONeal is absolutely correct here! 


I was asked to speak to some engineers at Google, and I said that I don't deserve to speak at Google until I've done something noteworthy. 


I've seen other managers write books about how to be like Buffett, yet their funds or businesses flounder or fail. 


I've seen a manager I praised highly fall mightily in terms of ethics and respecting shareholders.


Shareholders will see us announce many new things over the next 5 months, next 5 years and as long as I can run the company.  You are just at the very tip of the beginning...the 1st batter, of the 1st inning of a 9 inning game.


Let's get through the first few innings before you think I deserve any sort of section for Premier.  I'll do my best to get one though!  ;D  Cheers and thanks for your support!


I don't think it's really necessary at this time.  The past year has mainly been about bringing the company away from the brink and setting a foundation for the future.  Not much is really discussed in the current PDH thread other then people in the US trying to figure out which broker to use to buy shares.


Some great insights in that thread but until the company starts having more news flow I think the existing thread is just fine.


Besides, I don't plan on nit picking every single thing the company does and really don't care about what time everyone's lunch break is  :)


I would suggest that CONeal is absolutely correct here! 


I was asked to speak to some engineers at Google, and I said that I don't deserve to speak at Google until I've done something noteworthy. 


I've seen other managers write books about how to be like Buffett, yet their funds or businesses flounder or fail. 


I've seen a manager I praised highly fall mightily in terms of ethics and respecting shareholders.


Shareholders will see us announce many new things over the next 5 months, next 5 years and as long as I can run the company.  You are just at the very tip of the beginning...the 1st batter, of the 1st inning of a 9 inning game.


Let's get through the first few innings before you think I deserve any sort of section for Premier.  I'll do my best to get one though!  ;D  Cheers and thanks for your support!




You are such a level headed and honest guy that I have the utmost confidence in your success. Wishing you the very best in your efforts.


Charlie Munger I think talks about deserved success and I cannot think of a better person who qualifies.




I don't think it's really necessary at this time.  The past year has mainly been about bringing the company away from the brink and setting a foundation for the future.  Not much is really discussed in the current PDH thread other then people in the US trying to figure out which broker to use to buy shares.


Some great insights in that thread but until the company starts having more news flow I think the existing thread is just fine.


Besides, I don't plan on nit picking every single thing the company does and really don't care about what time everyone's lunch break is  :)


I would suggest that CONeal is absolutely correct here! 


I was asked to speak to some engineers at Google, and I said that I don't deserve to speak at Google until I've done something noteworthy. 


I've seen other managers write books about how to be like Buffett, yet their funds or businesses flounder or fail. 


I've seen a manager I praised highly fall mightily in terms of ethics and respecting shareholders.


Shareholders will see us announce many new things over the next 5 months, next 5 years and as long as I can run the company.  You are just at the very tip of the beginning...the 1st batter, of the 1st inning of a 9 inning game.


Let's get through the first few innings before you think I deserve any sort of section for Premier.  I'll do my best to get one though!  ;D  Cheers and thanks for your support!




You are such a level headed and honest guy that I have the utmost confidence in your success. Wishing you the very best in your efforts.


Charlie Munger I think talks about deserved success and I cannot think of a better person who qualifies.




I feel extremely fortunate being able to be a long term shareholder in Premier with a humble yet incredibly capable CEO at its helm. I am very happy to have joined early and to have been able to follow Sanjeev's opinions and actions in the last decade through this forum in particular - especially in the thick of the great recession and the following banking crisis. I learned or confirmed certain lessons during that time! I also made plenty of money...

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