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  1. Pat Dorsey's is a tad above 500M. I recently discovered Nick sleep's IGY. There's a twitter thread here too with some good recos:
  2. A more recent presentation (first 30 min.) https://www.barrons.com/live-qa/july-1-barrons-investing-in-tech/9D1BE6AC-1539-4F6A-801F-E71A408E1BB1
  3. Hydroxychloroquine isn't the wonder drug for covid-19 after all. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)31180-6/fulltext
  4. Can you folks please move the politics-y comments to a thread in the politics section?
  5. https://whalewisdom.com/filer/baker-bros-advisors-llc
  6. Interesting take on what might have happened: https://twitter.com/ErikSTownsend/status/1252574865397297152 I took a tiny position short USO just for entertainment. Thanks for the idea alwaysdrawing
  7. Just curious as to what explains the contango steepening even for brent. There is storage capacity shortage for brent too but this sharp a change this sudden. Am I missing something? I have no position in the tankers. Just curious.
  8. Not sure if this has already been posted: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2007016 From NEJM posted about a week ago.
  9. Some good points here and there but mostly crap. I then looked up the interviewee and found that he co-founded the Discovery Institute, which advocates, among other ideas, intelligent design.
  10. This is from my personal experience and from having talked to a few people. I moved to Toronto about 5 years ago. I have a Comp Sci background and had worked in a top US ecommerce company. After a couple of weeks of search and a week of interviews I had 4 offers but all of those from Canadian subs of US companies. No Canadian company even contacted my after I had applied, not in those weeks of my search nor in the interview week nor afterwards. I had relevant experience as advertised in the job reqs. so lack of fit can be ruled out. My wife, who is a statistician, had a horrible time. She had worked in US for major pharma companies for about 5 years, studied in US for 5 years prior to that and has quite good communication skills. She wasn't entertained because she didn't have enough "Canadian experience" whatever that means as distinct from "American experience". I've heard this lack of "Canadian experience" often being a barrier. After all these years I am still puzzled how a Canadian experience is distinct from an American experience especially for individual contributor (and non customer facing) roles.
  11. Thanks for the wonderful response thowed. Congrats Liberty! here is another link to the AGM
  12. Looked up on worldcat.org. AFAIK, NYPL and brooklyn are the only public libraries that have it. http://www.worldcat.org/title/outstanding-investor-digest/oclc/14957982
  13. https://www.sec.gov/edgar/searchedgar/cik.htm Central Index Key to ID SEC filing entities.
  14. Exactly what I was looking for. Political comments in investment ideas just pollute the thread without adding much (any?) value to the analysis.
  15. +1
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