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  1. Someone posted a screenshot of this guy doing the trade on Twitter and caught the guys account number. Looks like a demo account from IB.
  2. +1 It's not enough to reach out to IR to cause change and some companies outsource that function so the management team could care less. Not a bad idea to work with other investors to buy a block of shares to influence change though. A private group chat or something similar for people interested in doing this would be better than posting on a popular public forum.
  3. There are people around the world who eat insects and this might not be such a bad idea. Good story though. By the sound of it, the person you know isn't the right entrepreneur to tackle this or any other business endeavor.
  4. HSY - The Hershey Company I've had this for a few years.
  5. Great documentary. I wonder how often these situations happen in the art world. Maybe a chance for someone to create a hedge fund for undervalued art?
  6. I have a sell price in mind before I buy based on different scenarios. If the stock moves beyond my sell price and the business is performing better than expected, I hold on to my position. Otherwise, I sell or write covered calls if I can't identify a good reason for the stock to be worth more.
  7. Thanks!
  8. Thanks for weighing in. Can I get a link to your blog?
  9. Thanks for the detailed replies and insights into the blogging business. It makes sense that a lot of writers use it to find a job in the industry and quit afterwards with the low ad revenue. I guess the blogs are more like a marketing channel than a business.
  10. That's a shame. It seems like more of the internet is filled with link baiting headlines and listicles than actual content.
  11. I came across this old thread of blogs (http://www.cornerofberkshireandfairfax.ca/forum/general-discussion/post-your-blogs-thread/) and noticed that a lot of the blogs are inactive now. Why do you guys think this is the case? Are there fewer value investments out there so less to write about? Are the economics of blogging not worth it for the authors? Do they just get burned out from writing all the time? I'd love to get your perspectives on this and if you guys know any new blogs out there that are good.
  12. FFH has a different style from the GARP investments that Berkshire makes. One isn't necessarily better than the other and the expected value for the FFH portfolio might still be higher than the BRK portfolio despite being wrong on more investments.
  13. Like what others have mentioned, I think there will be a short term immediate drop in the market if Trump wins. Although with valuations where they are, it could be the start of a correction. My portfolio allocation between cash and stocks hasn't changed much, but I have been writing some covered calls.
  14. I'm currently reading The Investment Checklist by Michael Shearn and so far it has some good ideas.
  15. Make a giant paper house out of $1 bills and turn it into a museum. Charge people extra if they want to stick some of their own money on the house.
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