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Everything posted by petey2720

  1. Dairy Queen
  2. Run a business
  3. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-hedge-fund-manager-fraud-met-20150702-story.html#page=1
  4. just an opportunity to get a few shares under $4.00
  5. His most recent letter is worth a read: http://choufunds.com/pdf/2015%20AR%20NEW.pdf
  6. Do you guys buy Pacquaio's shoulder injury excuse, or is it a reason to push for a rematch?
  7. Thought this was interesting: http://www.sportsonearth.com/article/114687102/evander-holyfield-thinks-pacquiao-will-defeat-mayw_3
  8. I will repeat my prediction: I think Ted will be the next CEO. See the linked article on Berkshire's most recent acquisition. Buffett sent Ted to Germany to negotiate. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-02-23/buffett-tells-deputies-to-supervise-newest-berkshire-businesses
  9. This was tax loss selling. He bought WFC in the meantime as a hedge against BAC going up during those 30 days, which it did.
  10. Here is the pdf version: This_CEO_may_have_the_sweetest_job_around.pdf
  11. http://www.chicagobusiness.com/article/20150213/BLOGS10/150219902/this-ceo-may-have-the-sweetest-job-around
  12. Cardboard, great post!!! Thank you for sharing.
  13. Hey Did anyone notice that one of Graham's holdings in the first letter from 1946 was Cities Service Preferred, which was the first stock Buffett ever purchased with his sister as per The Snowball. Pretty interesting coincidence.
  14. Billionaire hedge fund manager Steve Cohen is the secret buyer of the Alberto Giacometti sculpture “Chariot,” sold last week at Sotheby’s for a near-record $100,965,000. If he really wanted it to be a secret.......it would be.
  15. Happy Birthday (belated...sorry)
  16. A little over 10 years ago I sent him a letter suggesting a company for acquisition be Berkshire. It was a bolt-on acquisition for one of the retail companies. He thoughtfully replied in writing, thanked me and congratulated the family of the company I recommended but said that it would not meet their size requirements. So I suggest that you come up with a private company worthy of acquisition and send a letter.
  17. I'll admit.....got me.
  18. See attached 2013 Wintergreen Fund Annual Report. 2013-Wintergreen_Fund_Annual_Report.pdf
  19. The letter comes out tomorrow morning.
  20. What I will be interested in watching on Monday will be to see how often Warren defers to Ted in answering any questions. I think Ted is number one on the list of successors.
  21. Mark Mobius Article from 1-30-2014 on Seeking Alpha attached. Mark_Mobius_Article_1-30-2014.pdf
  22. I agree that Global did a good job. Take a look at: STAG, DOC, ARCT and maybe O. I also own some PSEC (already mentioned).
  23. I use morningstar: http://news.morningstar.com/stockReturns/CapWtdIndustryReturns.html
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