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Everything posted by Liberty

  1. Well this speaks for itself: "Some reportage from a Coronavirus Lockdown Protest in Sacramento, California on April 20, 2020."
  2. http://yetanothervalueblog.com/2020/04/yet-another-guide-to-media-stocks-part-5a-corona-impacts.html
  3. It's just unfair to compare Germany, which is led by a former quantum chemist, to the USA which is led by a reality TV persona. You don't have to go to PhDs in quantum chemistry... In general, it's hard to find a country led by someone dumber than the US right now. There's a lot of countries on the planet, so there's probably some out there, but none come to mind.
  4. Perspective (and zoom lenses).
  5. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/04/26/us/politics/trump-coronavirus-briefings-analyzed.html?smtyp=cur&smid=tw-nytimes
  6. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/27/mccourt-trumps-coronavirus-leadership-awful-for-us-and-the-world.html
  7. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/05/04/seattles-leaders-let-scientists-take-the-lead-new-yorks-did-not Also, on testing progress:
  8. Pretty sure those who died and would be alive otherwise feel much better because of this observation.
  9. Brad Pitt occupying his quarantine time:
  10. Leadership in New Zealand: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/04/jacinda-ardern-new-zealand-leadership-coronavirus/610237/
  11. Russo Q1 letter: https://moiglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/Semper-Vic-Partners-L.P.-Letter-to-Investors-April-2020.pdf
  12. You guys are really fucked in US if this is the typical attitude of a non Trump supporter. Start a civil war, already. Just in case it needs to be said: Do not put household disinfectants into your body ;D Don't listen to LC. He's a liberal who's trying to confuse you with facts. Listen only to Herr Presidente. Make America Bleached Again! We're going to have to go with the American Cleaning Institute on this one:
  13. More on the false negative with antibody tests: For those not familiar with the bayesian math, let's say you have a test that is 99% effective. To most people that sounds really really good and accurate. But let's say you have 1% of the population infected with the disease you're looking for. So you test 1000 people. There's 10 person really infected. But you also get 10 false positives (1%). This means you'll have 20 positives, and 50% of them are incorrect, with the 99% accurate test. Accuracy may be be lower than 99% with many tests, I've seen some thought to be 95%, so you get the idea..
  14. Wow. Not that we needed more evidence that this pathological narcissist only thinks of himself, but there it is. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/23/us/politics/coronavirus-trump.html Reddit comments that capture it well: "Mr. Trump rarely attends the task force meetings that precede the briefings, and he typically does not prepare before he steps in front of the cameras" "This is why you know the man is a fucking psychopath. Normal people have total panic attacks about being unprepared for something like an EMERGENCY LIVE NEWS BRIEFING FOR THE ENTIRE NATION ON A DEADLY PANDEMIC. Trump *enjoys* doing this, with no preparation at all, and it's basically the highllight of his day every day because he gets to be in charge of the briefing and the cameras are all on him. What he actually says isn't even important." "It's really difficult to understand just how different he is from 'normal' people. He's in a human skin but he doesn't have the same mental processes as the rest of us, not at all. All that matters is that *he* is the center of attention, for as many people as possible. Everything else is just noise. So while most of us would completely shit our pants at the thought of being grilled on live TV by journalists with millions of people watching, for Trump that's practically his idea of heaven. The actual topic, the questions, the details, none of this matters to him at all. All that matters is that everyone is focused on HIM." ">he hastily plows through them, usually in a monotone, in order to get to the question-and-answer bullying session with reporters that he relishes It's SO obvious that he does this. He literally sounds like he RESENTS getting through the legit/important stuff, like it is a literal waste of his time."
  15. Meanwhile, spin doctors like Scott Adams are claiming that Trump was actually making a sophisticated medical point, and Trump himself basically says he was talking about it, but was kidding. Video of Trump saying it was sarcastic: "Trump: I was asking the question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen..." *facepalm*
  16. Meanwhile, because his priorities are in order, Trump is trying to increase shipping rates to hurt Amazon (and everybody who order online) and bully the Washington Post during a time when everybody is ordering more online: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/04/23/10-billion-treasury-loan-usps/
  17. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2765270
  18. I didn't get any of that from the essay, but that's why we have a market.
  19. It's frustrating that some still think political party is correlated with quality of response (I have the broader public in mind, not this board). The best responses have been deliberate and honest, even if they aren't ultimately the best outcomes. De Blasio is another that has consistently screwed up. He seems to panic and go to an extreme response at each turn. It's everything that bothers me about Trump. In this interview with an expert on the 1918 flu, who was part of the Bush task force to improve pandemic readiness, he says that the pandemic response plans called for no politicians to be in charged, because whoever it is, a large fraction of the population would take what they says with skepticism for political reasons. They said a highly respected apolitical scientist should be in charge, in this case Dr. Fauci. https://peterattiamd.com/johnbarry/ But Trump can't not have the spotlight on himself, so that part of the plan went out... Barry had interesting things to say about the US federal response to this crisis in the podcast..
  20. Trump is always doing one thing and its opposite so that later he can claim he was right by pointing at one thing and gaslighting us about the other. A few days ago he was inciting protests in multiple states and journalists found links from the white house to the anti-lockdown protests. I think it's likely Fauci or something like that threatened to resign (and maybe start talking to the media about what's going on inside the WH) if Trump didn't at least try to manage the reopening a bit and not let it be a free for all (again). The dude was just telling people that maybe they should inject Lysol on a nationwide press conference, a week after he talked about antibiotics on the topic of a virus, and you think he's coming up with the rational plan for all this?
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