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Everything posted by Liberty

  1. I wonder if this is a subtle dig at Sokol, erasing the brand most associated with him... Good move from a branding perspective, in any case. If I lived in an area served by the company, I'd love to get my power from Berkshire Energy :)
  2. The blogs are defunct. Anyone saved a copy? Might be able to find it on Archive.org. F.ex, here's a snapshot from 2010: https://web.archive.org/web/20101202022255/http://robertpiomolloy.com/blog/
  3. How did you like it? It certainly made me appreciate how much work Ackman puts into his ideas...
  4. Thanks for the suggestion. Another that is on my list is The Frackers by Gregory Zuckerman.
  5. This reminds me of a recent Economist feature: "The slumps that shaped modern finance: Finance is not merely prone to crises, it is shaped by them. Five historical crises show how aspects of today’s financial system originated—and offer lessons for today’s regulators" http://www.economist.com/news/essays/21600451-finance-not-merely-prone-crises-it-shaped-them-five-historical-crises-show-how-aspects-today-s-fina
  6. Got my copy of this one in the mail (1 cent used on Amazon!). This one should be fun. I'm mostly creating this thread just so I can quote this excerpt from the movie version (which I haven't seen yet, I'm waiting to have read the book, but I found that quote while researching it) :D The HBO movie is available for free on Youtube (thanks to Otsog for pointing that out): http://www.cornerofberkshireandfairfax.ca/forum/general-discussion/barbarians-at-the-gate-(tv-movie)/
  7. Good picks. Warburgs is on my list, as well as many other biographies by Chernow. I've added the Little book to my list. Seems interesting. I have Art of Profitability but haven't read it yet. Based on a recommendation from this board, of course! Thanks for sharing.
  8. No worries, I know how that is :D If you don't mind sharing, what other books did you order? I'm always looking for ideas for the 'to read' list. Thanks.
  9. I hope you enjoy it. Please share your thoughts here once you've read it, I'm curious to know what you think of it.
  10. [amazonsearch]The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power[/amazonsearch] For those interested in the history of the oil industry (from the 1850s onward). I'm just a few hundred pages in, but so far it's excellent and I feel it deserves the Pulitzer that it received. Really interesting details about the early drillers, the first big gusher, how Standard Oil, Royal Dutch, Russian operations, the first pipelines and tankers, etc. What I find most fascinating is the various strategies and tactics used by the big players to get around one another and get an edge.
  11. https://oddlotinvest.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/lou-simpson-1987-profile.pdf
  12. this is off-topic...but- I can't understand that at all. If you were wealthy, then do with it whatever you want with your pets. But I can't understand people who spend so much time and money and personally invested their emotions into a pet when they can barely take care of themselves and their own family. I view it as a luxury (just like a large should be viewed as a luxury). If you are in the middle or lower class and wondering why you have no (or minimal) savings, look at your number of pets and children. I can't tell you how many times I've heard friends with pets complain about money issues. To take it a step even further, I don't understand why is acceptable to society that families might own pets with no restriction who are any sort of welfare, foodstamps, (& now) subsidized obamacare Pets are children proxies for many people. It's human nature and won't change, whatever the economics of the situation are.
  13. Here are a few great videos where you can hear Feynman speaking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUfXhToX5b8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chKyBUOtfws
  14. I love Feynman. Actually gave "Feynman" as a middle name to my newborn son. Niels Bohr could probably more accurately be called the father of QM, but whatever, I encourage people to read everything they can find by Feynman. 'Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman' is lots of fun, as is 'What Do You Care What Other People Think' and 'Perfectly Reasonable Deviations From the Beaten Track: The Letters of Richard P. Feynman'. All those are accessible to everybody. For something more sciency, 'The Feynman Lectures on Physics' are classic, as is 'QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter'.
  15. Thanks, and I'll add my voice to those welcoming you to the first. Excellent first post!
  16. [amazonsearch]Double Your Profits: In Six Months or Less[/amazonsearch] Got this in the mail today. Haven't read it yet, but I expect it to be interesting. It's the book that the 3G people (Buffett's partners in the Heinz deal) hand out to everybody to explain their cost-cutting strategy, apparently. I know, not the best title. But hey, Greenblatt's You Can Be a Stock Market Genius doesn't have the best title either ;)
  17. You're probably right, I was probably thinking of the things I read online.
  18. He mentioned in an interview that there were some errors that would be fixed in the next edition, but that they didn't detract from the overall point. He said that it's impossible to publish 100,000 words and not have people find some errors. It's just funny that some people on the financial news media attacked him with the good old subtext of: "Ha! See! There's an error here, hence the whole book is null and void."
  19. Do you also have personal theories about epidemiology and quantum physics? I'd love to hear those.
  20. the behavior of equity prices is influenced by human psychology, the impact of co2 on the mean temperature of the planet, like most phenomena investigated by scientists, is not. Don't waste your time, it appears we have an armchair climatologist here.
  21. Good post by Glenn: http://glennchan.wordpress.com/2014/04/20/how-the-sec-should-reform-market-structure/
  22. Thank you, I got both and look forward to reading them.
  23. Review of the book: http://www.barelkarsan.com/2014/04/who-says-elephants-cant-dance.html
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