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Everything posted by Liberty

  1. Did I ever mention Ivanka? Edit: Just noticed on her Wikipedia page that in 2007 Ivanka gave $1000 to the campaign of Hillary Clinton. Interesting.
  2. More insights into the man's thoughts on women: http://www.vox.com/2016/6/2/11833912/donald-trump-1994-women-buildings-misogyny Investigation into white supremacist groups who support Trump: http://m.motherjones.com/politics/2016/10/donald-trump-hate-groups-neo-nazi-white-supremacist-racism Good tweet I saw fly by:
  3. How does pointing out some of the horrible things that Trump and his kids have said and done make me left wing? I'm just removed enough from it all (maybe being Canadian helps?) to see that Hillary is just another politician, and that the other side will always claim that a politician is terrible. Obama was the socialist antichrist, Mitt Romney was this... McCain was that.. Kerry was, well, forget about it. And what about Bush and Al Gore? So many terrible things that they are... But Trump is on another level. He's pure human garbage in uber-salesman form, a pathological liar and sociopathic ur-narcissist type fermenting real long-lasting trouble by encouraging all types of conspiracy theories and real hatred from one of the biggest soapboxes of all time. It's mind-blowing how he's ready to say just anything to get power (remember, he used to think he might run for president as a democrat and had many positions in the past that are the opposite of what he has now; he constantly says he never said stuff that we have on tape, etc). That's what brought me out of my apathy about politics, because some things you can't easily ignore. Btw, as horrible as Trump is, there is a real divide between rural and city In America and everyone should pay more attention to it: http://www.cracked.com/blog/6-reasons-trumps-rise-that-no-one-talks-about/ But Trump is not a solution to that problem. He's spent all his life being the elitest of all coastal elites, focusing all his attention on only mingling with other elites and living the most opulent city lifestyle possible, never really using his power and wealth to help these people. You think he hangs out at the bar in rural areas with the coal miners? He's just using this problem and these people to try to put himself in power because he knows they're a large block of voters that can be motivated if you promise them certain things (go back to the good old days, bring back manufacturing, stop immigration, insult the media and cultural elites, etc). It's cynical manipulation, pure and simple.
  4. Are you saying you think Hillary has good judgement? I thought you believed otherwise.
  5. Oh, and who was it again who said Trump's kids were impressive and a credit to him? I think the Apple didn't fall too far from the tree: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/10/14/politics/donald-trump-jr-women-workplace/index.html
  6. Now that's a well placed "come on, man": Also, Trump's good old days:
  7. One more victim coming forward: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/woman-says-trump-reached-under-her-skirt-and-groped-her-in-early-1990s/2016/10/14/67e8ff5e-917d-11e6-a6a3-d50061aa9fae_story.html Considering the typical ratio of people who stay silent when these things happen ("Why do they stay silent?", ask Trump fans as they try to destroy the lives of the accusers), I wonder how many hundreds there actually are. He seems to have been operating like this for a few decades.. "Who you going to believe, women who claim they were groped, or a man who says he gropes women? It's a real "he & she both said" situation."
  8. Even the gamers are piling on: Trump the bad Overwatch team player: http://www.trumpisnotateamplayer.com/
  9. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/10/13/donald-trump-called-deaf-apprentice-marlee-matlin-retarded.html http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/donald-trump-lied-donating-9-11-charities-article-1.2829908 What a class act ::)
  10. These just keep coming. Howard Stern with Trump about "sexual predators": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHPUZk5HdRA&feature=youtu.be&t=21m53s Via
  11. Time will tell, but I think running might turn out to have been the worst thing he could do at the end of his career. It was high risk/reward to be clear, and he had a clear chance at winning despite the early doubt of everybody, but now I think he's probably going to be a bit like Mel Gibson and Bill Cosby in most circles, and that's gotta hurt to a man who loves nothing more than being in adored in public and to have his name associated with success. Especially since he spends most of his time with elites in places like New York, California and London, not in rural Alabama or or suburbian Florida or whatever. Probably won't be surrounded by fans..
  12. No such thing as bad publicity. All this stuff has been known about before, we're just rehashing it. He's in the news, he ran for president, this is all good for his brand. Oh, but there is such a thing as bad publicity. You think Samsung is happy about every airline having to warn passengers about exploding phones? You think Bill Crossby and Mel Gibson's careers took a turn for the better after they were in headlines so much? A lot of people who didn't see Trump as particularly political before and didn't mind going to a Trump hotel or casino or watching a TV show with him will now avoid these things. I don't even think that's controversial.
  13. If a lot of Trump's wealth comes from his brand, I wonder how much it's worth now :P
  14. WTF is going on with there people ??? "Rush Limbaugh complains that "the Left" treats nonconsensual sex as rape" (posted by a "Law professor @MiamiLawSchool crim/1st Am/family law")
  15. It's getting hard to keep track of all the horrible things... https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2016/10/12/im-one-of-the-central-park-five-donald-trump-wont-leave-me-alone/ And: http://people.com/politics/donald-trump-attacked-people-writer/
  16. You just know that any journalist worth his/her salt is interviewing dozens of former beauty pageant contestants right now, corroborating claims, checking out leads...
  17. More people coming out to corroborate that tape not being just talk : http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/10/13/us/politics/donald-trump-women.html Even more :
  18. Trump bragging about walking in on naked 15-year-olds in changing rooms at his pageant, said he could get away with it: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/10/12/former-miss-arizona-trump-just-came-strolling-right-in-on-naked-contestants/ What a creep.
  19. Dates aren't important either... "By the way, no alpha personality I have ever known feels the compulsion to prove his manhood by bragging about sexual assault. Not one." Also, major donors asking for their money back: http://www.cnbc.com/id/104012406
  20. http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/election-update-women-are-defeating-donald-trump/?ex_cid=2016-forecast Who knew? If you treat a group like crap, they probably won't support you.
  21. Some journalist better ask him if he means that he says and does similar things to his father when he thinks he's in private...
  22. Who was it that was saying that Trump's kids were a mark in his favor? http://www.rawstory.com/2016/10/eric-trump-says-bragging-about-sexual-assault-is-what-happens-when-youre-an-alpha-personality/ What a douchebag this one is.
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