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Everything posted by Liberty

  1. Are you short KO in proportion to your ownership of it through BRK just to hedge it out, or is this a bigger short? Thanks.
  2. I think there's a difference between questioning things based on evidence (I think the Bush v. Gore election was on its face a very special case) and spinning conspiracy theories to try to excuse that he's losing based on the fact that many people don't like very much the person that they've been exposed to during this campaign (petty vindictive volatile narcissistic elitist billionaire liar who sexually assaults women and is hostile to minorities isn't the most winning ticket, even if you have a slick salesman). When a moderator at a presidential debate asks this question, the context matter. He's basically asking if you'll respect the will of the voters in the democratic spirit. He's not asking: "If there's evidence that the election's outcome was changed through illegal means, what will you do?". I think it's pretty implicit that if there's evidence of this kind of stuff, that you don't have to shut up and swallow it. But so far Trump hasn't done much more than state as fact that the election is rigged, with the implied conclusion that this is why he's going to lose. But if he loses, it'll probably be because he's not someone that most voters want as president. Any election where tens of millions of people vote will have irregularities, and he's set things up so that after he loses, he can point to some of them and claim that this is just part of some much bigger conspiracy and that he's really a winner, but the system's against him... He just can't ever admit that he lost, his ego won't allow it. He's running for president and he's bitter about the Emmy's, for crying out loud! I mean, if what Trump did here was such a logical thing to do, why was it never done before (afaik, or almost never)? Because he's the only politician who cares about electoral fraud? You think Teddy Roosevelt would've kept his mouth shut and done nothing if he had been aware of a rigged election? This is the US, not a third world country. Further proof that this isn't about some high minded ideals about fair elections: He came out and said he'd accept the result... if he wins.
  3. Trump's salesman way of speaking is becoming a literary genre: ;D Also, looks like this is getting to him:
  4. https://newrepublic.com/article/137897/donald-trump-cant-stand-losing-girl
  5. "Researcher says some Trump company email servers use unpatched, end-of-life software, including Windows Server 2003, and only use single factor authentication" http://motherboard.vice.com/read/trump-is-running-some-really-insecure-email-servers
  6. Obama on Trump trying to blame everyone but himself for his bad performance: http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2016-10-18/obama-calls-trump-a-whiner-over-rigged-election-complaints
  7. I think if you explain to people that protectionism means that everything they buy becomes more expensive (if you block/tax others, they'll block/tax you) and that a lot of jobs will be lost (because the US is a huge exporter), they probably won't be as supportive as if you just give them electoral slogans about being tough on other countries.
  8. "he was egged on" Edit: "Melania: Billy Bush retroactively egged my husband on to sexually assault women for decades. He is a Looper and must be stopped." "If Billy Bush somehow egged on Donald Trump to admit he's a serial sex offender, maybe he's actually the best journalist in this election?"
  9. I explained it here: http://www.cornerofberkshireandfairfax.ca/forum/general-discussion/if-american-which-presidential-candidate-will-you-vote-for-(oct-edition)/msg277403/#msg277403 If I think Trump could be a genuinely scary person with the level of power that the presidency brings (in good part because it gives you a huge megaphone and the stature of the position gives everything you say more weight, but it can go all the way to major wars and even nuclear war with someone like that) and that Hillary would be a pretty status quo politician, am I supposed to write equally negative things on both? Is that your version of "Fair and Balanced?" Being fair and rational in this case is actually trying to make people realize just how much of a human piece of garbage Trump is and help them see through his peacock salesman tricks.
  10. Thinking about Mr. Trump doesn't bring out my sense of humor, sorry. If he was still just some guy on a reality TV show, sure, it's all just a joke. But when he's a guy who came seriously close of being the president of the US, and who could still be put in office by some game-changing unforeseen even between now and next month, that feels more serious to me. I wrote something about Trump, mentioned in passing that I'm Canadian. Cardboard suddenly made it about Canada rather than about Trump, a classic diversionary tactic ("Hey, look over there!"). So when you cut & pasted 10 pages of stuff about "Yay Canada" it felt like the diversion had worked, so I wanted to point it out. I also happen to think that this "my country is better than yours" stuff is BS, but that's beside the point. I can't know how seriously you take that tribalistic stuff, but many people do.
  11. David Simon (The Wire, Generation Kill, Treme, etc): "Don't blame the coming damage on Trump. He can't help himself. The next round is on a GOP that stays silent on this "rigged election" shit."
  12. cwericb, I don't think it's useful to make this into "canada vs. the US", it's a distraction at best. In good part because the US isn't one thing, and nor is Canada, and because living in a country doesn't make the whole country your "team" anyway. (add nationalism to the list of things I don't care much about -- unless you emigrated somewhere, you were born there by accident and could've just as well been born in Afghanistan; and people are people, it shouldn't matter if someone is on one side or the other of some imaginary line on a map. A stranger in the US is just as much a stranger to me as a stranger in Canada, if I meet either, I'll judge them on who they are and what they do, not on their passport)
  13. This is why Munger warned against becoming an ideologue. Leads to crap thinking like this, trying to pigeonhole everyone into teams and then make sweeping generalizations about the other team to better dismiss them rather than look at the facts on a case by case basis. So-called right-wing individualists have some of the most collectivist thinking I've seen. BTW, I tend to agree with the left on social issues and the right on economic issues, which probably makes me some kind of libertarian, though I don't care for labels, I just look at the situation and do what I think is right. I don't agree with a lot of the politics in Canada, just like in the US. Never been part of a union, never even got any benefits from an employer since I was always a contractor. But I still have enough clear-thinking to realize that Donald Trump is human garbage and those who defend him are turning a blind eye to lots of things that they wouldn't tolerate in the teacher of their kids or in their coworkers. Reminds me of the recent Ben Carson thing about him "pausing" his values ( ) to support Trump. I wonder how often people pause their values like that and if they always realize it when they do...
  14. Also: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/real-estate/the-market/cmhc-to-issue-first-red-warning-for-canadas-housing-market/article32386112/
  15. Yes this is definitely irresponsible. No excuses about it. But there's not gonna be any revolution much less a civil war. Once this is done and there's no one to fire them up every day with new vitriol these people will go back to their lives and talking shit about Madame President Clinton on talk radio. Oh course that's not gonna be the title they'll used, but oh well, such is life. I'm willing to bet that by now Hillary has rhino skin. I said he's basically calling for that, and that's dangerous. I'm not thinking of the overthrow of the US government or anything that dramatic, but he's definitely encouraging domestic terrorists and nutcases to feel justified in using violence to "right this wrong", and that can't be good.
  16. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/787267564405653505 Now this is dangerous. The kind of stuff that can seriously screw up countries. But what do you do when you have an ego the size of a skyscraper and are so vain you can't ever admitt defeat? You say that you're really winning but they're stealing it from you. This kind of stuff pushed by a presidential candidate is basically calling his most ardent followers to do a civil war. I predict that if he keeps pushing that, some people somewhere - maybe police - will lose their lives and their blood will be on his hands. Update: the cult-like behaviour is also worrying: https://storify.com/bec2ab/jared-sexton-10-14-trump-rally
  17. May be Liberty, meanwhile you can also dig up some data on the Attorneys who are making less than janitors that an earlier poster referred. Scientists who are unemployed. In last 6 months I came across two scientists unemployed for over 3 years, one with a Ph.D. with a highly ranked university. Like this Redditt guy (this guy graduated in 2012): And ask yourself a simple question - whats happening with our economy? I already posted data that shows the wages today inflation adjusted are same as in 1979. How come with all the computers, drugs, TVs and many other technologies developed primarily from US, the US worker is doing so bad? The guy who has numerous bankruptcies, got to where he was in good part because of inherited wealth and family businesses, and who's net worth is mostly intangible 'brand' assets, who can't stop making stuff up and contradicting stuff he said on camera, and who obviously understands nothing about science will fix all the world's problems, eh? Ever looked up the track record of self proclaimed messiahs? He's a salesman. He's after power and fame. All his life's actions point in that direction.
  18. The only times I mentioned the kids were when they made statements that related to the election or their father. Sorry but when Eric tries to justify his father's sexual assaults, that's fair game.
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