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  1. Why do so many of you think that you know what Berkshire should do better than Warren and Charlie (and Ajit and Greg and Todd and Ted) know?
  2. Yes. (But a lot of stocks did a lot better than Berkshire since 2000.)
  3. My response is the same as it was to What's Wrong, Warren? 2000
  4. The United States is one of the few countries where you have to pay the full federal income taxes even if you do leave.
  5. And most of the rest gets eaten up by inflation. Better to spend than save. Have fun!
  6. Great joke. Like a surrealistic painting.
  7. Nobody likes to look up all the time. It makes the back of the neck stiff.
  8. If you want a dividend in any amount you can create it and have a tax advantage. If, for example, you want a 3% dividend you can sell 3% of your stock each year. You will have a tax advantage over Berkshire paying the dividend unless your cost basis is 0. If you do not create a dividend because you think the stock will be worth more in the future, by a value exceeding the dividend, then you have answered the question and voted for Berkshire not paying a dividend.
  9. http://buffettfaq.com/?utm_content=buffer915ec&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer is a great website.
  10. If you look objectively at Gabelli's compensation I think you would conclude that he is underpaid. Either that or he sold the stock too cheap when he went public. Either way Gabelli got the short end of the deal. This is very different from Sardar Biglari.
  11. The guy who thought up that way of calculating credit card interest deserves a $50,000,000 bonus (or maybe a public hanging).
  12. At last year's CAW annual meeting there were more votes withheld from Cooley than for him (1,460,853 votes for, 1,491,385 votes withheld). Sardar got 1,522,740 votes for, 1,429,498 votes withheld. Unusual for directors proposed by the company. I don't know if the tally for next week's annual meeting had anything to do with their resignations. See below from last year's 8-K report on voting. 22-Jul-2013 Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders, Other Events Item 5.07 Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders At the annual meeting of the shareholders of CCA Industries, Inc. held on July 18, 2013, the following directors were elected by the Common Stock shareholders: Sardar Biglari - 1,522,740 votes for, 1,429,498 votes withheld Philip L. Cooley - 1,460,853 votes for, 1,491,385 votes withheld Drew Edell - 2,510,006 votes for, 442,232 votes withheld The following directors were elected by the Common Stock Class A shareholders: David Edell - 967,702 votes for, 0 votes withheld Stanley Kreitman - 967,702 votes for, 0 votes withheld Robert Lage - 967,702 votes for, 0 votes withheld Jonathan Rothschild - 967,702 votes for, 0 votes withheld
  13. I use Morningstar's 10-K Wizard. You can see all the proxy statements filed. You can sort by geographical area, state or city of the company's main office but not by where the meeting is being held.
  14. “I’ve got a commitment to stay involved with Berkshire as a lifelong thing,” “We always have to think about what might happen and make sure Berkshire is not just great now, but forever.” -Bill Gates, 2009 I think that's what Bill Gates will do, but not be CEO.
  15. If Biglari were fired, with no change in his compensation agreement, what would the stock price be? What would Biglari Holdings Inc. then be worth? (Assume he would get what the current contract says he is entitled to up to the date of his dismissal.) This is somewhat of a rhetorical question; I think most analysts would agree on the range of values.
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