IRSA is basically 95% of APSA plus some office buildings, hotels, the US investments, banco hipotecario, a couple of developments, some parcels of land and more debt. In my opinion, there is something of a real estate bubble in Argentina right now (in spite of the fact that total real estate debt levels are less than 2%), and the market value of the properties in Argentina held by both IRSA and APSA is probably close to an all-time high. Relative to the current market value of the properties, the stock of both is quite attractive. And looking at the way rents increased the last 2 years, and are currently increasing this year, on the surface that would make it appear to be a very strong market. That being said, I do not think the current rate of growth is sustainable over the next couple of years. At some point there has to be an adjustment, and I dont know when or what that will consist of. But, the stock is priced as if that adjustment was happening right now.
Also, yesterday I bought a regular chicken sandwich at McDonalds with my US credit card. In dollars it came out to $9.50. Crazy. (But a small part of that was collected as rent by APSA.)
Also, does anyone know the current status of the convertible shares in APSA?