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Posts posted by gfp

  1. Ended up getting filled on a couple 200 strike Dec 7th puts for $1.00.  205s got filled at 1.80 and 2.15


    Wrote 205-strike, 12/7/18 expiration BRKB puts for $1.65 per share.


    Copied your trade but got filled at 1.80. Trying again at 2.15... 


    Incidentally, CA wildfire claims looking like $20billion for the industry this quarter


    I'm now thinking about the 202.50 strike puts.

  2. It was certainly unpleasant to watch!  Nobody could catch...  Amazing that they actually had a chance to tie the game towards the end before throwing yet another interception.  Watching balls go right through Michael Thomas' and Alvin Kamara's hands is not my idea of a fun time

  3. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-11-28/ge-s-money-pit-how-a-15-billion-hole-could-get-costlier-to-fix


    Bloomberg article on Culp's efforts to get rid of GE's toxic Long Term Care and other undesirable insurance liabilities still on GE Capital's books.


    Berkshire would charge a fortune to take on this business but I'm sure Ajit would be interested - at his price.


    "GE has also held talks with Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. about absorbing its insurance liabilities, two people said.


    “It’s very difficult to sell” these types of policies, said GB Taglioni, North American leader of Boston Consulting’s insurance practice. He declined to talk about GE’s situation specifically. “There have been a lot of sellers and there have been, up until now, very few buyers.”


    A GE spokeswoman declined to comment beyond recent filings and public comments, while Athene and Apollo also declined to comment. A Berkshire representative didn’t respond to requests for comment."

  4. Seems the best deals will come in the near future. I did take advantage of a very limited time 15% off eBay code that worked until 8pm yesterday. I usually use eBay or the NYC photo stores to buy Mac laptops because sales tax is such a large number on a 2-3 thousand dollar purchase. I was able to buy a 2018 MacBook Pro i9 with 32gb of ram tax free on eBay and apply the 15% off code, which resulted in a very attractive price (the best i’ve seen at least).


    Friday and Monday should have some good deals, just make sure you know what you are getting. Big box stores will sometimes do a special low cost run of a TV that differs just a little bit to get the price down.


    To follow the news you would think poor Apple is about to go out of business so please everybody- send some of your holiday dollars their way. Its getting dire in Cupertino

  5. I think the fall in the market from around Oct 10th to 26th was probably sufficient for them to really build their stakes quite aggressively at even better prices than those during Q3. Not sure whether it would be up to 10% of JPM, but I'd imagine they could have put a lot of capital to work in that period on stock purchases and Berkshire buybacks too.


    Could be I guess.  We already know how many shares they repurchased up to October 25th.  Meaningful repurchase activity beyond that depends on if the "ceiling" price on the repurchase plan is adjusted with the increase in last reported book value, or if it stays the same at roughly $208 per B-share.  If it is based on a simple multiple of last reported book value, there is a possibility it could be as high as 218 currently - which would have allowed repurchases to continue.  Still unlikely that repurchases are material relative to Berkshire's size but every bit counts, and we are at least moving in the right direction.


    I wonder if Warren still owns 1 million shares of JPM personally.  I would assume yes.

  6. Extra holdings not captured by dataroma, from General Re New England Asset management -




    BAC +1.75 million shares

    BK +11.063 million shares

    JPM +545,000 shares

    ORCL +1.287 million shares

    PNC +1.1 million shares

    TRV +43,000 shares


    In addition to the stuff reported at Dataroma from the regular 13F:




    So, Berkshire owns exactly 900 million shares of BAC, or 9.17%

  7. Yes of course we ignore Warren Buffett




    So do you ignore also Buffett when he lies saying that he pays less taxes than his secretary? Ignoring payroll tax.


    Or when he calls for a world with more income equality while he does all he can to avoid taxation and all he can to squeeze as much as possible from his workers a la 3G?


    Or when he said in 2004 that our trade deficit was unsustainable and proposed a like tarrif?



  8. Really great to hear Malone just chat for almost an hour with a decent interviewer (Faber).  I even got a text from my Mother, in her 70's, who is on an island somewhere in Greece at the moment, that she was watching John Malone live on CNBC.


  9. I apologize - I recently replied to a few political threads after never posting in them for years.  My posts had nothing to do with investing or the economy.  I don't like to mute topics or posters because that's how I know about who I am reading stuff from.  An investment idea from a person with strong bias and blind spots can be evaluated in that context.  (I do pilfer ideas form this forum occasionally)


    I wish good investing ideas to you all

  10. One thing I've heard is that families with over a billion dollars tend to know other families with huge wealth and they are well acquainted with just how bad it can get - whether it's a few generations down the line or your own kids.  They've heard stories.  Charlie and Warren have talked about it.  They do a lot of 'elephant-bumping' and people like to gossip.


    There are quite a few 'signers' of the giving pledge that are wealthy enough that this little token 1-10% that does make it to the next generation (tax free) is far from re-setting the monopoly board.  Even the Buffetts will have dynastic wealth (probably practically forever) because there is just so much money sloshing around the family.  And Warren is the poster child for the movement...



    Cigarbutt, that was an interesting quote on page 5 of your linked document -


    “The central issue is we’re developing into a plutocracy. We’ve got an enormous number of enormously rich people that have convinced themselves that they’re rich because they’re smart and constructive. And they don’t like government, and they don’t like to pay taxes.”

    —Paul Volker, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve


    Obama said something similar once.  And Warren Buffett says something similar quite often.  Only Obama gets pilloried for the sentiment, primarily by people willfully taking what he said out of context:


    There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me – because they want to give something back. They know they didn't – look, if you've been successful, you didn't get there on your own. You didn't get there on your own. I'm always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something – there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there. (Applause.)


    If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business – you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn't get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.


    The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together. There are some things, just like fighting fires, we don't do on our own. I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service. That would be a hard way to organize fighting fires

  11. Yeah, Berkshire's involvement was in the IPO prospectus (which doesn't help you get a lower price - wonder why they did that?)


    The Walton family VC vehicle Madrone owned a lot and added 2.75m shares in the IPO and management at Madrone told Todd Combs about it and Todd decided to invest.  There are some 3G principals invested in it as well - I believe from an earlier round.

  12. Another Obamacare success story!  Glad to hear it is working out for you DD.


    If you make less than $12,060 per year you get zip.


    Is this "zip" as in not eligible for ACA exchanges because you would qualify for Medicaid and get all your healthcare for free?

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