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  1. Christopher Hitchens not a very good debater? You can't be taken seriously.
  2. stahleyp, All of the above.
  3. You know more about the resurrection than I do? Perhaps, but you haven't listed any books you've read yet (unless I missed it) to show how educated you are on the topic. Christopher Hitchens was very well read and educated on this subject and absolutely destroyed this nonsense. Please educate us all on how one can be educated in superstition.
  4. The fact that there is an argument in the year 2014 over an omnipotent being that you can communicate through telepathy and this same being can implant thoughts and feelings of guilt in one's brain is rather disconcerting.
  5. Dustin T and StahleyP, All you have said may be true but it doesn't change the fact that religion is nothing more than superstition.
  6. Christopher Hitchens wrote a great book titled "God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything". An accurate title. Religion has now poisoned this forum.
  7. For anyone who is annoyed/concerned about this, there is a device (USB flashdrive) called "Ironkey" that is effective in thwarting the bullshit surveillance. It effectively changes your IP address continually as well as a few other neat tricks.
  8. Thanks for this, Uccmal. You always have a very solid way of putting things back into perspective.
  9. Anything in the travel industry seems to me to have zero moat and a low barrier to entry.
  10. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/fairfax-announces-agreement-to-acquire-thomas-cook-india-2012-05-21-171735848
  11. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-05-17/facebook-co-founder-turns-30-000-savings-to-3-billion.html People may choose to disbelieve him but he gives his reasons here.
  12. Wrong way to look at it If I made 3.6b I'd fork over 400 to uncle Sam. For those that think it has something to do with other than money you guys are naive... Moore, for you to purport to know what someone's intentions and thoughts are by reading an article in the media is really absurd. Also, I didn't say the reason was other than money, just that there may be more to it that we don't know. Why do you usually debate topics in absolutes? It makes it difficult to have a thoughtful debate with you. Although on this topic there is no room for debate because we can't know what his reason(s) are. So you may certainly be right but don't call others naive when you can't possibly know all the information yourself.
  13. Yes. I personally think there must be more to it. The potential tax liability probably sealed it. For people to call him a "d-bad' and "disgusting" from only reading an article about the situation is foolish as far as I am concerned. Regardless, I'm glad the US isn't going to get their hands on HIS money. They waste it anyway.
  14. Eric come on, you can't possibly compare using legitimate tax loopholes than renouncing your US citizenship. It's an apples to orange comparison. Relating to your "only a few hundred million" comment, as I mentioned that few hundred million wasn't even marginable. What made this strategy work was when the secondary market for FB shares became developed which was roughly 2010-2011, that is when he was able to borrow against his stake to payoff the IRS. If he was some rogue business man with operations all over the world or even a financial hedge fund manager I would be more sympathetic. But it so happens that Eduardo owes nearly all his success to a US company that was built in a US university and that he himself grew up a US citizen and enjoyed all the benefits of the US society. To give all that up for a net worth of $4.0B instead of $3.6B is disgusting. That is my point of view. Maybe there is more to it than just the money.
  15. Yea superstition makes people more virtuous... Please.
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