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Posts posted by dcollon

  1. I found it to be an enjoyable book.  There was nice coverage of a lot of businesses that don't often get discussed like MiTek, Marmon, Clayton, etc...Mr. Cunningham did a nice job of covering the history of them. 


    The discussion of all the different components of what makes Berkshire special won't be surprising to many on this board, but I liked the way the key topics were broken out in the book with examples of businesses  used to highlight the key qualities.



  2. I finally got around to reading this book and it was fantastic.  My two favorite stories in the book were "the last great corner" the story of Piggly Wiggly and "in the defense of sterling" about the devaluation of the pound and the struggles of monetary policy.  However, all the stories were entertaining and it was a great business history book.


    Thanks for the recommendation.

  3. [amazonsearch]Learn or Die: Using Science to Build a Leading-Edge Learning Organization [/amazonsearch]

    By Edward Hess


    This was an interesting book and one that I would recommend, especially if you follow Bridgewater and Ray Dalio.  There is a lot of discussion on what makes the firm unique and why in the authors opinion they have been so successful in creating a very open culture.


    I enjoyed the focus on why continuous learning is so important, but also what kind of work environment needs to be created by management at larger organizations to improve learning.  The character traits of people who embrace learning are also discussed in detail and were helpful to think about while I was reading.



  4. I found this interview and the company Theranos to be very interesting.  I realize this is somewhat off the topic of investing, but I thought some of you would enjoy learning about a trans formative concept in healthcare.


    Here is the company's website http://www.theranos.com/


    Here is an interview with the founder http://techcrunch.com/video/jon-shieber-gets-some-blood-work-done-with-elizabeth-holmes-of-theranos-2/518405804/




  5. “You would think that people would be lining up now to get mortgages to buy a home,” Buffett said today at a conference hosted by Fortune magazine in Laguna Niguel, California. “It’s a good way to go short the dollar, short interest rates. It is a no-brainer. But so far home construction pickup has been slower than I had anticipated.”




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