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Everything posted by dcollon

  1. I think I have the whole transcript (quickly reformated) here.
  2. There are a couple of companies that I think provide good information into the fixed income/credit market. Annaly (NLY) is one and Redwood (RWT) is another. The Redwood Review is always worth a read if you find this area of the markets interesting. http://www.snl.com/Cache/1001150996.PDF?D=&O=PDF&IID=103579&Y=&T=&FID=1001150996
  3. http://www.berkshirehathaway.com/2009ar/2009ar.pdf
  4. More on GGP http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aK6eANTku_R0&pos=5
  5. Does anyone know the story with ENZN?
  6. I think Bruce Berkowitz is going to be doing some interesting things in his new income fund. I also like George Bull and the team at RWT. Obviously a public company, but they are searching in some interesting areas.
  7. Paulson never impresses me with his ability to speak. I know he is supposedly a very smart man, but watching him try to string together a thought is almost painful.
  8. Thanks FFHfan....really appreciate the link.
  9. I wasn't able to see the discussion. If anyone finds a replay please post it. Thanks in advance
  10. Well said Bronco
  11. I have always thought that Mike Farrell and his team at NLY had very good insights into the fixed income world. Over the years I have followed their comments as closely as I have followed comments from the team at Pimco. Here are Mike's comments from their Q4 conference call http://www.annaly.com/pdf/MFarrellQ409EarningsCallRemarksThroughaGlassDarklyhl.pdf
  12. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Markel-Reports-2009-Financial-prnews-1767365654.html?x=0&.v=1
  13. http://www.advisorperspectives.com/newsletters10/pdfs/Who_will_Pay_for_the_Burlington_Acquisition.pdf
  14. I enjoyed the video. Thanks for posting.
  15. Thanks for posting the letter.
  16. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=a_NfUY5jmT2o&pos=1
  17. These are Bruce Berkowitz's comments from his interview on Wealthtrack: BRUCE BERKOWITZ: Berkshire has a tremendous amount of flow from the premiums received from long-term insurance policies. That flow has to be invested in very secure, sound financial instruments: electric utilities cost plus or a railroad business which has the stability unlike many businesses. So here he’s taking money that’s actually got a zero cost to it and then investing it at a reasonable, not at an egregious yield, but at a reasonable investment yield. But when the cost is zero, the returns are phenomenal. He’s brilliant. Warren Buffett is being Warren Buffett in that he’s married another great big business to Berkshire Hathaway that’s going to make a sizeable difference overtime. Read more: http://advisoranalyst.com/glablog/2009/11/23/bruce-berkowitz-wealthtrack-interview-transcript/#ixzz0cbGGA0mW
  18. Interview with Bruce Berkowitz http://www.advisorperspectives.com/newsletters10/pdfs/Bruce_Berkowitz_on_the_Keys_to_Success_for_the_Fairholme_Fund.pdf
  19. Another news item this morning http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aKsNFwn4gGFU&pos=7
  20. Myth, Thanks for the article on CNA.
  21. http://tinyurl.com/ydylpfe
  22. There is an article on Realmoney.com discussing SD that was posted at about 2:50pm. I can't post the article as it's a paid website, but I'm sure they will move it to thestreet.com soon. Unfortunately, the author refers to Fairfax as Fairchild. I would think they will fix that soon.
  23. Here's a new little update http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/04/business/04cohen.html?ref=business
  24. I think RWT is interesting. I can't say too much about it, but they raised a nice amount of capital over the last 12 months and a good amount of it is still sitting on their balance sheet for opportunities in distressed CRE. I view George Bull (CEO) and his team as value investors in the credit industry.
  25. I have always enjoyed reading comments from Michael O'Leary (CEO of Ryanair) and I thought some of you might find his comments in this article as entertaining as I did. He seems to think about costs...a lot. http://tinyurl.com/yctd2cd I hope all you enjoy the remaining few days of 2009.
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