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  1. Does anyone know anything about PCP? Precision Castparts Corp.
  2. is this what you are looking for? MungerUCSBspeech.pdf
  3. Interesting... "Crum & Forster, through its Fairmont Specialty and United States Fire Insurance companies, has underwritten Hartville's pet insurance plans since October 2006. No changes in existing policyholders' coverage will occur due to the completion of the agreement, and plans will continue to be underwritten by the United States Fire Insurance Company." I wonder what other companies out there already use Fairfax for their underwriting "and" could be taken over.... Just a thought.
  4. Robotics... http://www.rethinkrobotics.com/index.php/products/baxter/
  5. if anyone knows any Chinese people, they will have this sauce in their fridge... http://www.laoganma.com.cn/english/e_index.jsp It was set up many years ago by a lady in her home and now sells by the millions. Privately owned though, but if it ever lists this is the Heinz of China.
  6. http://www.cornerofberkshireandfairfax.ca ;)
  7. hi everyone... how does one go about getting a ticket for the Fairfax annual meeting? Thanks in advance.
  8. Thank you Sanjeev for the amazing board!
  9. read "In the Plex". that will answer your question. When google was 6 employees they set up a research lab to concentrate on other ideas. The rest, is history.
  10. They (Greek people) cant withdraw Drachmas even if they wanted to... and why would they want to? If and when they exit the euro the New Drachma (or whatever is will be called) will get killed in the markets. Holding euros is the sensible option.
  11. Anyone attend from outside the US or Canada? I think I will make the trip from the UK next year. :)
  12. are you saving it in a low resolution jpg or gif? sometimes to compact the image you get issues like this. save as BMP.
  13. I dont know what it is... but no matter what I read, and it is a fair amount whenever I know that it is Buffett writing I read it slower and find it more interesting than everything else.
  14. I am looking to record something using a jack lead with my ipod touch. Anyone know an app that can be used? Can a 3.5mm jack lead on either end be used? Thanks!
  15. I have a few: A way to view photo thumbnail pics in my Dropbox folders. Ability to set a folder on my networked hard drive an exact copy of my documents folder. Instead of having to copy every time overwriting all the existing files which takes forever! This software would just copy the files I have changed or added etc every so often when I am not using it.
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