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  1. What class - rate reset, perpetuals?
  2. I am looking at the cdn prefs as well. Thought the perpetual fixed may be a good bet if rates have (or will soon have) peaked. What do you think? Thanks,
  3. Interesting idea. In the past, share prices of rate-reset prefs tend to correlate with general interest rates. The consensus seems to be that the current rate cycle is closer to the top than the bottom. Are you concerned about an rate decrease in the next year or so?
  4. More OXY.WS. Expecting Uncle Warren to keep adding OXY at these prices.
  5. Indeed not much time value in these warrants - just about $0.40 of time premium plus the foregone dividends relative to buying the underlying stock. I guess if the company decides to increase the regular dividend payout, as a warrant holder I am slightly hurt by it (don't think there's any strike adjustment for regular dividends), but this seems to be already reflected in the small warrant premium. My brokerage account doesn't support this technically uncovered calls so no comment on it.
  6. Swapped BAM into BN at par. Bought OXY.WS
  7. I have a question re: global natural gas supply growth. For oil, I think the consensus, at least among energy investors, is that global supply growth will be limited in the next few years due to lack of capex / ESG craziness / etc. Is it the same situation for natural gas? Seems like there will still be a low single-digit growth in north america, partly due to lack of egress capacity growth. What about the rest of the world - middle east, Australia, etc?
  8. The storage tanks may be full, but is it sufficient to last them through this winter? Asking a question.
  9. More BAM, <US$40
  10. Transmountain (TMX) is for crude oil. Coastal Gaslink is for NG transport from Alberta to LNG Canada plant in Kitimat, scheduled to come online in 2025. 2Bcf/d, a good start but far from potential production capability. All going from memory so may be off.
  11. I believe he would just need to wait until the next January 1st, not 365 days, to re-contribute the $80k?
  12. BIR.to. Montney NG producer. Big drop today due to a LNG plant being out for longer than expected.
  13. I think the share issuances from the last 3 years are due to them wanting to bulk up quickly to a critical mass. Going forward, the company guided to $1B of revenue in acquisitions per year for the next 3 yrs. Their stated goal is to acquire 3% ebitda margin business at 5x EV/EBITDA multiple, that's a P/S=0.15 and hence $150M M&A dollars per year. Based on their cash on hand ($120M real-time by my estimate) and FCF (C$130M for 2022 by my estimate), company should be able to self fund without further dilution.
  14. GOOGL, BAM.A, CTS.to. Really drinking the GARP kool-aid here.
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