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  1. He is a total jerk, his parents named him appropriately. A year ago or so ago, he cracked a racist joke on Indians and 7/11 that was in extremely poor taste.
  2. I have a copy of it, actually. I don't think she would mind me posting: Dear Mr. Buffett, Enclosed with this letter, please find a copy of the 6th edition of Graham and Dodd's Security Analysis which features your forward. Rest assured, this book is not for you! I know that you already have two beloved copies of this book, and since I don’t have an original copy with Graham’s notes inside, there is little that I can do to add to your library. Rather, it is my hope that you will find the time to sign this book and have someone return it using the return label provided. In January, my husband is opening his first investment fund, based on the principles of Graham, Marks, and of course, you. Over the last few years, he has devoured any information on value investing and analysis with a passion! I would love to present him with this book, which already means so much to him, made even more special with an inscription from his personal hero. He would be overjoyed, and I will have won the "greatest gift game" for at least the next decade. We both admire and respect you and your career, and I hope that this letter finds you well. Thank you for being an inspiration to so many, especially my husband who has never been happier since finding his own passion for value investing. With great respect and thanks, That's a great letter she wrote! She's a keeper...not only does she actually listen to you about Buffett and value investing, but she got the greatest investor to sign a book for you and mail it back. You won't ever do better than her! ;D Cheers! +100
  3. I dont have the "unedited" version but here it is. If you do get hold of the OID version, I would love to read it ! thanks Qleap Munger.pdf
  4. Congratulations to all the members and thanks for the great forum Sanjeev. cheers qleap
  5. thanks to Matt ! I use real player downloader/converter to download/convert videos to mp3. http://www.nigamanth.net/share/Bruce%20Berkowitz%20CSIMA%202013%20Audio%20%20%20Investing%20In%20Knowledge.mp3
  6. Matt posted Bruce's audio on his website.. http://investinginknowledge.com/info/2013/02/bruce-berkowitz-csima-2013-audio/
  7. I loved the questions as well :-) thanks Gio and Kraven !
  8. Down 6%. Key takeaway from this year - Leverage cuts both ways. Looking at it positively, I learned this lesson early and hopefully won't make this mistake again..
  9. Happy new year to all of you, this is an awesome forum ! cheers Qleap
  10. Yes, he writes well and acknowledges his mistakes readily. He seems to like hairy or levered situations where the risk of permanent capital loss is higher. In my opinion, it's a hard way to make money being an activist in small caps that may or may not turnaround. I enjoy reading about Parsad or James or Allan's investments more but each has his own investing style I guess. cheers qleap
  11. Interesting read, thanks Sanjeev. I wonder if he still holds SD..
  12. http://www.creditwritedowns.com/2012/10/us-household-debt-to-income-debt-servicing-cost-ratios.html Also on Rosie's new presentation - Boy, is it depressing ! http://www.businessinsider.com/david-rosenberg-navigating-the-new-normal-2012-10?op=1
  13. Excellent, looking forward to it. Thank you ! Cheers Qleap
  14. Re: MMT MMT Primer - http://neweconomicperspectives.org/p/modern-monetary-theory-primer.html Modern Money and Public Purpose - http://www.modernmoneyandpublicpurpose.com/schedule.html (starts next week) 7 Deadly Innocent Frauds - http://moslereconomics.com/2009/12/10/7-deadly-innocent-frauds Soft Currency Economics - http://www.moslereconomics.com/mandatory-readings/soft-currency-economics
  15. Plan, excellent post ! thanks for sharing
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