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Posts posted by bookie71

  1. I agree, and I would extend this to goog as well.  but the point is that warren has never run a business, and doesnt appreciate how "technified" ALL business has become.  he has said tech is not within his circle of competence. well then retire, because all business relies on software today.  and this shut down is showing that firms which are technologically agile have moats that warren doesnt realize exist. warren is like a deer in the headlights, and a confused mind does nothing.


    there, I said it.  men aged 89 and 95 are past their prime.  apologies in advance


    I believe (Just my opinion and worth nothing) that he will wait it out as no one no how deep this mess will get and make sure Berkshire survives, then if any is left he will buy.  Who knows If the banks have enough reserves for the coming storm.

    As someone said "Patience"


  2. Watch out for the domino effect.  One large company goes down or file chapter 10.  This causes many of it's suppliers to go under because they can't pay bills because they weren't paid by large company.

    In the 1980 's depression (state called it recession) in Alaska it took a bit of time to work out.  Over 1/2 of banks and credit unions failed. J


    Just be cautious as this is just starting.  The sacrifices made to date could be wiped out if the governors and president do something stupid.


  3.       In test after test folks can't tell the difference in Pepsi or Coke, yet most Coke and Pepsi fans (myself included) swear that they can tell the difference.

          We used to have a rule at our office that anyone traveling to California MUST bring back See's.


      I gladly pay more for Coke than store brand cola which is probably stupid, but I do and should know better.  That is the moat.

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