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  1. In no particular order: BRK.B, SRG, MU, BABA, PROSY, ATVI, and some in Target data fund.
  2. It only took 1.5 hours. Phew! Call back feature would have been much better if you one has to wait 6 hours. The issue was with hotmail/live domain during the time I signed up. The sign up emails were not being sent. lol Glad it got resolved!
  3. Haaha Decided to give them a call around 3, their office is closes at 5, or 5:30. I got the message they already have a high volume and aren't taking on any new calls.
  4. Tried to buy some I-bonds in the last week. I succeed in creating the account, but never got a verification. It says account already exists, but no way to retrieve yet.
  5. I don't know what I feel/think about this, but I have watched this at least 15 times.
  6. Why not both?
  7. I didn't know who Zelman was. I ended up coming across one her recent interviews/podcast, thought I would share. https://macrohive.com/hive-podcasts/ep-122-ivy-zelman-on-the-coming-us-housing-crisis/
  8. Yes, Arrival gave me goosebumps too! I love movies that has so hidden meanings/symbology. Dune was another terrific movie. I believe Star Wars was inspired in a way by dune's story-line. Hope you know about Joseph Campbell too.
  9. The movie Arrival is good. In fact, I might watch it again this weekend. I rarely re-watch movies if ever.
  10. I will have to check if business breakdown has been mentioned in the past few pages, but if not, this is a good podcast. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/business-breakdowns/id1559120677
  11. oh gotcha! I didn't know all the other processes behind it! Also, if you are betting on crisper, I would highly recommend this book: The Gene: An Intimate History It was a very insightful book on diseases, genes, and how/if gene editing can play a role in treatment/cure. My input to the list: Lab grown meat. If it can be produced with similar taste/texture, it would be game changer.
  12. As some one who is looking to buy a house/condo, I have come to realize how inefficient the real estate market is in regards to realtor's cut. I have felt I have done most of the leg work whenever I was interested in a listing as well as doing the background. Also, learned to do some ballpark estimation of the value. It makes me wonder why should one get thousands of $$ for just showing up and preparing the papers. This is not to throw a shade on realtors, but I feel the value-to compensation ratio isn't quite fair, and both buyer's and seller's would be very happy to pay less fees. I know I would. What kind of friction is it out there? I just had a start-up idea to get the middleman/woman out. lol
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